Friday, May 24

Book Review: Once Upon a Winter's Eve by Tessa Dare

Author: Tessa Dare
Title: Once Upon a Winter's Eve
Series: Spindle Cove #1.5
Genre: Historical Romance, Novella
Format: ebook
Published:  November 15, 2011
Where I got It: Library

Some wallflowers bloom at night...

A Spindle Cove Novella

Violet Winterbottom is a quiet girl. She speaks six languages, but seldom raises her voice. She endured bitter heartbreak in perfect silence. The gentlemen aren't beating down her door.

Until the night of the Spindle Cove Christmas ball, when a mysterious stranger crashes into the ballroom and collapses at Violet's feet. His coarse attire and near-criminal good looks would put any sensible young lady on her guard. He's wet, chilled, bleeding, and speaking in an unfamiliar tongue.

Only Violet understands him. And she knows he's not what he seems.

She has one night to draw forth the secrets of this dangerously handsome rogue. Is he a smuggler? A fugitive? An enemy spy? She needs answers by sunrise, but her captive would rather seduce than confess. To learn his secrets, Violet must reveal hers—and open herself to adventure, passion, and the unthinkable... Love.

Warning: The heroine packs a pistol, the hero curses in multiple languages, and together they steam up a cold winter’s night.

I'm feeling a Dare read-a-thon happening again LOL. Dare is always fun. 

Here we have Violet who is a member of the ladies at Spindle Cove. She has been suffering a broken heart in silence. She came to Spindle Cove to hide away from the ton and her family while she recovers. Everything is going okay, but she isn't ready to go home yet to find a husband. It is the night of the Spindle Cove Christmas ball and a mysterious stranger crashes into the ballroom and collapses at Violet's feet. He is muttering in a language that only she understands, so she agrees to watch over him and question him when he awakes. She has one night to draw forth his secrets. He looks oddly familiar, but it can't be....The Disappointment...could it? No. Of course not.......

This is short (hair over 100 pages) but it was the perfect length. I really enjoyed this little novella! Love Violet. Love her story even though it made me sad for her. She is an angel and deserves the best. 

Spoiler, not spoiler, this "stranger" is the man who broke her heart. We learn that he had to leave abruptly without a word because he enlisted as a spy for the Crown. Scoundrel. Yes, yes, he couldn't say a word because he has to keep it secret. But damn man!!!! He really has to make it up to her because he tore her heart apart. Poor Violet. 

This was a unique romance and I loved it. It's a second chance, but so much more complex. I loved watching them talk and him apologize. 

The ending had me squealing. Adorable! I would love a short story or SOMETHING on their new adventure. Awwww. 

This was def worth the read. You should read book 1 first, but read this immediately after. I really adored this novella. 

All-in-all, quick and lots of fun. A complex love story that gets the HEA we all want. I hope there is a short story because this couple is fun. 5 stars from me. 


- Library Love #11


Northwoman said...

Mostly historical romance is not my thing but I'm glad it was great for you!

Anne - Books of My Heart

Carole Rae said...

Awww HR is one of my faves.

Blodeuedd said...

Dare is the best

Carole Rae said...

Yesss Dare is great!

Sophia Rose said...

This was my first ever Dare and Spindle Cove read and I finally got to it earlier this year. It was fab.

Carole Rae said...

So good!!!