Series: Veronica Speedwell (#8)
Format. 310 pages, Hardcover
Published: March 7, 2023 by Berkley
Historical mystery
Yay, a new Veronica Speedwell book. The last one ended with Stoker leaving. Damn these two have issues. In this one she is trying to get him back, and it is going so and so.
And there is a case of his brother getting death threats.
And a dinosaur skeleton
A death long ago
Someone after revenge.
And Veronica trying to get lucky
Good book, I want that next one.
Veronica's natural-historian beau, Stoker, has been away in Bavaria for months and their relationship is at an impasse. But when Veronica shows up before him with his brother, Tiberius, Lord Templeton-Vane, he is lured back home by an intriguing job offer: preparing an iguanodon for a very special dinner party.
Tiberius has received a cryptic message-along with the obituaries of two recently deceased members of his old group of friends, the Seven Sinners-that he too should get his affairs in order. Realizing he is in grave danger but not knowing why, he plans a reunion party for the remaining Sinners at his family estate to lure the killer out while Veronica and Stoker investigate.
As the guests arrive and settle in, the evening's events turn deadly. More clues come to light, leading Veronica, Stoker, and Tiberius to uncover a shared past among the Sinners that has led to the fatal present. But the truth might be far more sinister than what they were prepared for.
I think I only tried the first book of the series
I have been curious though...
I thought this was a good low drama one after that last one. It was back to the fun side of their relationship while they investigate.
Ack terribly behind
melliane, do read more
carole, try it!!!
Sophie, totally. They have been so on off
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