Tuesday, October 31

Blodeuedd Discusses the Heartstrikers series by Rachel Aaron


They are my comfort books. And they are so fun listening too.  Rachel Aaron is an amazing author, and Vikas Adam is a fantastic narrator. He truly makes these books. They are a MUST listen.

I will say it with pictures. I did my best to find fan art. But there is not much out there

Julius Heartstriker by Caffinated-Pinecone on DeviantArt

I Love Julius! The best nice dragon ever

Bob the Seer by Sammybunny711.

The mastermind behind it all.

I have re-listened to book 1 2 and 3. Good times. I am on book 4 but I had to take a break and get some other books in


Northwoman said...

I love this series!!! I buddy read it with Jen earlier this year.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Mary Kirkland said...

I haven't read this series but it sounds good.

Carole Rae said...

Love this series. I wanna read it again soo.

Blodeuedd said...

It is amaaaaazing

Blodeuedd said...

It is so funny and good

Blodeuedd said...

Yes you must