Thursday, November 2

Best of October

Here are our bests of October! 

Best Movie of the Month:

"I watched The Haunted Mansion. It was funny at times."

"Okay. I know it's not a 'movie' per sa, but damn was it an experience. I watched it twice!"

Best Book of the Month:

"This was freakin' adorable and perfect for the Spooky Season!"

"Best NEW book in October. Since I did re-listen to Heartstrikers and loved them. And this is a dualogy? I need book 2!"

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - The Good Doctor (s6)
"I have been watching s6 of The good doctor."

"This was a fun watch! We watched all the seasons for Spooky Season. #teamryan"

Best Cover of the Month:




Blodeuedd said...

Not a big reading month for me

Jen Twimom said...

I think I'm going to see Eras tomorrow evening! I shall wear all my TS stuff! :-)

Carole Rae said...

B, can't win every month.

Jen, yassss all the TS stuff.