Tuesday, April 18

TMST: Blogging Expectations

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

4/18/2023: What were your expectations when you started blogging?

Honestly? I expected to quit after a while. I had two failed blogs I gave up on rather quickly. I thought I would post for a few months and no one would care so I would stop caring. 

Look at me now! I have a few followers and have made a few friends. I have been blogging for yearssssssss now and I still love it. :) 


Mary Kirkland said...

I didn't think I would be blogging this long either. It's fun though.

I'm glad I found you and your blog. When I first made my blog it was a dare between me and several other people. We thought it would be fun to see what we could come up with to blog about. I'm the only one who still had my blog out of the 5 of us who started.

Carole Rae said...

Isn't it wild to think?? I am so glad we found each other too :)

Jen Twimom said...

Yea for new friends! I have made some of my closest friends because of blogging.

Carole Rae said...


Blodeuedd said...

Yes, never give up :D

Carole Rae said...
