Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy, & Fantasy
Rating: PG-13
Where I Got It: Hulu
Rating: PG-13
Where I Got It: Hulu
Four teenagers are sucked into a magical video game, and the only way they can escape is to work together to finish the game.
Click here for the trailer
Been meaning to watch this for an eon....but just never got around to it. It popped up as recommended on Hulu SO I decided it was time......and I ended up watching it twice.
The movie takes place after the end of the original. The Jumanji game washed up on the sand. It is picked up and it is a little bit different. Instead of the classic board game, it is now a video game. Four teenagers decide to try it out and get sucked into this magical video game. The only way to escape is to work together and save Jumanji.
This was SOOOOO much fun. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said earlier I watched it twice. Once...alone. The second time I made Hubby watch it with me. We both love video games and the original so it was nice to get all the jokes. Even if you don't play video games, it is still funny.
Great cast! Couldn't pick anyone better. They are so fun together.
We had some nice nods to the original which was nice. One I didn't even catch until Hubby pointed it out. *chef kiss* Beautifully done.
This was fun, funny, heartwarming, action-filled, and just plain entertaining.
I do plan on watching the sequel. It's not on Hulu like this there will be a delay for sure.
In the end....5 stars. LOVED it.
Yes this was a fun one!
I loved the original and wasn't sure about this one since I really don't like The Rock.
B, very!
Mary, really? The Rock is fun. I only have seen a handful of his movies tho
I love this movie and have watched it a number of times. The follow up is also good - not as good as this one, but still worth the watch. The actors are all brilliant and yes... the nod to Robin Williams is wonderful.
I need to watch the second one one day
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