Title: Too Wicked to Kiss
(Gothic Love Stories #1)
Genre: Historical Romance, Gothic, Fantasy, Mystery, Paranormal
Format: ebook
Pages: 424
Published: February 19th 2010
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
From the ravens circling its spires to the gargoyles adorning its roof, Blackberry Manor looms ominously over its rambling grounds. And behind its doors, amid the flickering shadows and secret passageways, danger lies in wait…
Evangeline Pemberton has been invited to a party at the sprawling estate of reclusive Gavin Lioncroft, who is rumored to have killed in cold blood. Initially, his towering presence and brusque manner instill fear… until his seductive attentions and unexpected vulnerability conquer her resistance.
But when a guest is murdered, Evangeline is torn. Could the man to whom she is so powerfully drawn, also be a ruthless killer?.
I've read a couple by this author in the past and I saw this was a freebie....so why not.
Here we follow Evangeline Pemberton who has been invited to a party at the sprawling estate of the reclusive Gavin Lioncroft. He is rumored to have killed someone years ago. At first, his towering presence and brusque manner instill fear, but soon she realizes there is more to the man who seems to be seducing her. However, things get muddy when a guest is murdered and Gavin is a suspect. Evangeline becomes torn.
Oh man....I certainly struggled with this one.
It started okay enough. A little slow while we learn about our key players. Things died off a little bit until they came across the dead guest and then it got interesting again. We, as the reader, were with Gavin when he discovered the body with his sister, but everyone else doesn't trust or believe him because of the rumor he's murdered before.
I did love the added fantastical parts here. I won't spoil anything because it was a big reveal for Evangeline's character.
However....that was all I liked. I loved the mystery aspect and the fantasy/paranormal twists.
I couldn't buy Evangeline and Gavin.
I didn't care about the dramas.
I'll admit...I skimmed....a lot. I tried not to but I was so ready to be done reading. HOWEVER, I did want to know what happened to the guest so I couldn't just label this as a DNF. I had to know.
Sadly, this wasn't really for me. I was only there for the murder mystery and the fantasy/paranormal aspect was a fun bit. I'll give this 2 stars.
Ah too bad for this one
I know. I'm bummed.
The cover is awesome. She's like "you are too wicked to kiss" as her turns her head! Sorry it didn't work for you.
She does not look impressed
Jen, agreed. I adore the cover.
B, hehehe I wouldn't blame her esp since he might be a murderer!
Uh oh, I snagged this freebie,too. If I start losing interest, I'm not opposed to skimming, either. :)
Maybe you'll like it better than me.
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