Title: The School Mistress
(Emerson Pass Historicals #1)
Genre: Historical Romance, Western, Christian Fiction, Chick Lit
Format: ebook
Published: April 1st 2020
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
Summary: How easily can an open heart unlock the door to happily-ever-after?
When Miss Quinn Cooper arrives in Emerson Pass, Colorado, her entire life is packed into one small suitcase. Her widowed mother and baby sister are depending upon her for their survival back home in Boston. And the self-appointed mayor of the rugged mountain community is counting on Miss Cooper to prove herself a fitful teacher for the young and old alike.
Lord Alexander Barnes is determined to bring a bit of English civility to the wild terrain of Emerson Pass. Using his own resources, the widower and father of five builds a schoolhouse and recruits a young teacher from the east to provide an education for both the adults and the children in his rapidly growing mining town. But when the lovely, and much younger than anticipated, Miss Cooper arrives to town, Lord Barnes finds himself providing more than just employment when the boarding house proves to be an unsafe accommodation for the school mistress.
As Miss Cooper takes a room in the Barnes' home, the five Barnes children are delighted. They are sure Miss Cooper is the perfect woman for their lonely father. But when a friend of the Englishman turns up dead, the hope for progress in the untamed town seems immediately lost. Can Miss Cooper and Lord Barnes bring change to the closed-minded locals? And will their endeavor open their hearts to something more?
This was a freebie on Amazon. It sounded good so I picked it up.
Okay...so I tried. I really, really tried with this one. I wanted to like it so bad.
After looking on Goodreads the masses seemed divided....you either love it or you hate it. I guess I fall in the latter category since I'm tossing in the towel.
Sighs. I got about 40% done (give or take) and I couldn't read a page more. Nope. I had to DNF. WAHHH! There goes my streak!
I can look past the Christian aspects...that doesn't bug me especially since Christianity was very popular back in the day. And it wasn't preachy so I was happy with that.
It was the characters. They were so 2D. All of them. The side characters...the main characters....all of them.
The introduction of Lord Alexander's children had me grinding my teeth.
This was rough. Not for me I suppose. Onto the next friends!!
Oh too bad for this one
Ugh, no thanks
Melliane, agreed. Bummer
B, I don't blame ya!
Boring characters are even worse that hated ones. You gave it a good shot. :)
Oh well, a DNF before the end of the year... better than pushing to finish it.
Sophia, I really tried!
Jen, I know. :/ I was hoping I was done with DNFs for the year. I hate giving them that.
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