Title: Dark Mafia Prince (A Dangerous Royals Romance #1)
Genre: Romance and Fiction
Pages: ebook
Published: June 2016
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)
Don’t look at me like that. So trusting.
Like you think I’m not a monster.
Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will.
Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.
I spent years making myself invisible.
A good girl, apart from the noise. Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit.
Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say.
But I remember your smile and those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground.
Before they told us the prince was dead.
Okay....I oddly really, really liked this book. I thought it was going to be an eh, okay Amazon freebie, but I really liked it! I am so surprised. I guess this is one of those random jewels in a sea of muck that is known as Amazon freebies. I have gotten REALLY lucky.
The story follows Aleksio and Mira. Aleksio is the son of a mafia lord. Very young, the boy's dad and mom were slaughtered and he survived. His two baby brothers were taken away and dispersed to random adoption agencies. Mira is the daughter of a different mafia lord. She is all grown up and doesn't want to deal with life, but she is forced to live a double life for appearance-sake...because in the mafia world having a strong family means everything. In real life, Mira is a lawyer who helps kids in the Bronx. In the mafia world, she is the mafia princess who has a blog about shopping and her world travels. Of course, this is all fake; her social media is being ran by her Dad's people.
Alekiso and Mira had been childhood best friends because both of their dads were allies. Things changed when the world was told that Aleksio and his whole family had been killed. Except the children survived. Aleksio managed to get away and was raised by a psycho who was his dad's best hitman. The two come back together after Aleksio kidnaps Mira to get her dad's cooperation in finding his youngest brother. Of course, Aleksio and Mira slowly fall in love and etc.
There was so much complexity and depth in the story I did NOT expect. I loved being part of the mafia world! I loved really loved the reason why everything happened. Oooo those superstitious mafia people! They created their own monster. Aleksio and his brother, Viktor, are scary!!! I can't imagine how it is going to be when the other brother is added to the mix *shudders*
But I get why Aleksio is the way that he is...he saw his parents killed and his brother kidnapped. So, I get it. But man...
And then there is Mira. I go back and forth on how I feel about her double life. Like...it did make her more complex in a way, but then it made her seem like a perfect character in a way. She is smart, kind, helps the needy, doesn't care about money, drop dead beautiful, and thoughtful. However, her big flaw is that she is super naive and a pushover. See? I don't know how I feel about her. I like her, but then I don't. Conflict!
I also liked how it took a long time for them to fall in lust and love. Well...there was a hint of lust there. They both thought each other were hawt, but that was about it. And can you blame Mira? I mean...Aleksio was a hottie. A total crazy, killing machine, but still hot. Don't judge me ;)
In the end, I was pleasantly surprised I liked this so much. I really have no complaints. I still can't decide how I feel about Mira. I like her, but I hate her all at the same time. Oh goodness. If you like romance and some action/adventure with a touch of Stockholm syndrome, I recommend this for you. Grab it while it is still free! I am stamping this with a 5.
Don’t look at me like that. So trusting.
Like you think I’m not a monster.
Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will.
Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.
I spent years making myself invisible.
A good girl, apart from the noise. Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit.
Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say.
But I remember your smile and those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground.
Before they told us the prince was dead.
Okay....I oddly really, really liked this book. I thought it was going to be an eh, okay Amazon freebie, but I really liked it! I am so surprised. I guess this is one of those random jewels in a sea of muck that is known as Amazon freebies. I have gotten REALLY lucky.
The story follows Aleksio and Mira. Aleksio is the son of a mafia lord. Very young, the boy's dad and mom were slaughtered and he survived. His two baby brothers were taken away and dispersed to random adoption agencies. Mira is the daughter of a different mafia lord. She is all grown up and doesn't want to deal with life, but she is forced to live a double life for appearance-sake...because in the mafia world having a strong family means everything. In real life, Mira is a lawyer who helps kids in the Bronx. In the mafia world, she is the mafia princess who has a blog about shopping and her world travels. Of course, this is all fake; her social media is being ran by her Dad's people.
Alekiso and Mira had been childhood best friends because both of their dads were allies. Things changed when the world was told that Aleksio and his whole family had been killed. Except the children survived. Aleksio managed to get away and was raised by a psycho who was his dad's best hitman. The two come back together after Aleksio kidnaps Mira to get her dad's cooperation in finding his youngest brother. Of course, Aleksio and Mira slowly fall in love and etc.
There was so much complexity and depth in the story I did NOT expect. I loved being part of the mafia world! I loved really loved the reason why everything happened. Oooo those superstitious mafia people! They created their own monster. Aleksio and his brother, Viktor, are scary!!! I can't imagine how it is going to be when the other brother is added to the mix *shudders*
But I get why Aleksio is the way that he is...he saw his parents killed and his brother kidnapped. So, I get it. But man...
And then there is Mira. I go back and forth on how I feel about her double life. Like...it did make her more complex in a way, but then it made her seem like a perfect character in a way. She is smart, kind, helps the needy, doesn't care about money, drop dead beautiful, and thoughtful. However, her big flaw is that she is super naive and a pushover. See? I don't know how I feel about her. I like her, but then I don't. Conflict!
I also liked how it took a long time for them to fall in lust and love. Well...there was a hint of lust there. They both thought each other were hawt, but that was about it. And can you blame Mira? I mean...Aleksio was a hottie. A total crazy, killing machine, but still hot. Don't judge me ;)
In the end, I was pleasantly surprised I liked this so much. I really have no complaints. I still can't decide how I feel about Mira. I like her, but I hate her all at the same time. Oh goodness. If you like romance and some action/adventure with a touch of Stockholm syndrome, I recommend this for you. Grab it while it is still free! I am stamping this with a 5.
I really hope it is not drm protected. I have not tried my freebie yet
eekkk you should try it.
it's nice to hear you were surprised by this one
Sounds really good. You're right though, freebies can definitely be hit or miss.
Melliane, I loved being surprised.
Carol, yes freebies is always a gamble.
I'm glad it worked for you so well, even if it was a freebie!
I am happy! I was worried like I always am with freebies ;)
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