Length: 1 hr and 46 Mins
Released: 2012
Genre: Comedy
Rating: R
Where I Got It: Rent copy
John Bennett, a man whose childhood wish of bringing his teddy bear to life came true, now must decide between keeping the relationship with the bear or his girlfriend, Lori.
Finally I have been able to sit down and watch this from beginning to end. I've watched bits and pieces randomly throughout the years, but I haven't had a chance to actually watch it.
This is classic Seth Macfarlene work. Funny, inappropriate, and just goofy fun. It takes a certain humor to enjoy this film and his other works. I happen to love it, but this movie is on a whole different level. I still liked it, but it was extremely cheesy. For sure not a movie for kiddos under 14.
I did laugh a lot, but I also rolled my eyes and yelled at the screen. John was a blooming idiot and Lori was a fool for sticking around so long. You can't completely blame Ted...John needed to step up and be an adult. Ted is a teddy bear and doesn't have the same level of responsibility, so yeah...he can lay around all day and party all night.
I really do think the added baddie with his spoiled brat was not necessary...I felt like it didn't need to be in the film. And I say that even though I LOVE that actor who played the baddie...it just took away from the film in my opinion. They should've just focused on the drama and maybe just have the baddie just be a weird creeper only.
The ending was stupid easy. I was so annoyed, but how easy everything was fixed. Gah.
In the end, this was a funny movie for sure. The plot was questionable in some spots, it was cheesy, and makes me glad my stuffed teddy didn't come to life. I do recommend this if you need something silly to watch and get a good life. Just be warned...there are lots of adult jokes and situations that some people might be easily offended by. I shall give this 3 stars.
I liked Ted, haha, funny
It is funny! I just wouldn't want Ted as a friend of BF's.
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