Saturday, December 5

Book Review: A Match for Mary Bennet by Eucharista Ward

Author: Eucharista Ward
Title: A Match for Mary Bennet
Genre: Historical Romance & Inspirational
Pages: 358
First Published: October 2009
Where I Got It: My shelf (Barnes and Nobles)

Initially believing (mistakenly) that her sister Elizabeth married well only in order to provide for her sisters, Mary is happy to be relieved of the obligation to marry at all so that she can continue her faithful works.

But she begins to have second thoughts after further studying marriage through her sisters' experiences as well as spending time with two young men. One is a splendid young buck whose determined courtship must have ulterior motives; the other is a kindly, serious young clergyman whose friendship Mary values more and more. One day she realizes that God very much made man and woman to be together...but which is the man for her?

This book has been sitting on my shelf since 2010. Waaaaaaaay too long. Now I regret it.

I always felt for Mary and I've read few books that give her a HEA and that is why I picked this up. Young Carole was Mary - serious and kinda prudish. Now that I'm older I'm more like Lizzie. But I am so happy Mary got a good book and a HEA. 

The beginning is very, very deceiving. The Colonel gets a few pages of having a POV - which had me thinking he was going to be one of the young men in a bid for heart, which is who I always wanted for Mary! They would be perfect for each other! But alas, he marries Caroline. WHAT? NO! That stuck-up snot does not deserve such a nice man like him. :(

Gah. I am not too happy who she picked, but I guess he was the best of the two, so I can't overly complain. I wanted who she picked to get with Kitty/Catherine. 

Poor Lyida...yes, I do feel bad for her in this one. Yes, she was an idiot by marrying Wickham in the original story, but he has so misused her in this one and a part of her still loves him. So tragic. 

I must admit that I LOVED the tone of the book; it was very Jane Austen-like. Classic, but it was a little easier to read then the originals. The only complaint that I had was that a subplot was God and being a good Christian. However, it wasn't over-the-top, so it was easy to mark-off as a part of the time period. 

Too avoid spoilers, I will end the review here lol....

Overall, this was an entertaining read and I regret not reading this sooner, but other books kept taking my attention. Aw! Sorry Mary! LOL There was a subplot of being a good Christian and loving God, but it wasn't over-the-top. I wasn't pleased who the Colonel ended up with, but I'm just glad Mary got her well-deserved happily ever after. In the end, I shall this with 3 stars. 


Blodeuedd said...

Hmm, it feels like everyone ended up with the wrong person

Melliane said...

It sounds like a nice one. It's fun when you have a book for years and finally you're surprised by it.

Anachronist said...

The name of the author is very original at least. Eucharista. Sounds like a name of a nun!

Carole Rae said...

B, ugh I think so.

Melliane, I know! I regret not picking it up sooner

Ana, fun fact - she is a nun. hehe