Tuesday, December 22

Book Review: Fallen by Lauren Kate

Author: Lauren Kate
Title: Fallen (Fallen #1)
Genre: YA, Paranormal Romance, & Fantasy
Pages: ebook
First Published: December 2009
Where I Got It: My shelf (Friend got me a copy)

What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?

17-year-old Lucinda falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent boy, Daniel, at her new school, the grim, foreboding Sword & Cross . . . only to find out that Daniel is a fallen angel, and that they have spent lifetimes finding and losing one another as good & evil forces plot to keep them apart. 

Get ready to fall . . .

First I must comment that the cover is LOVELY and I can’t peal my eyes away from it. Its dark, the dress is beautiful, and she looks like a weeping angel come to life. So, so, so lovely. It screams tragic love story come hither and you all know I love my tragic love stories. ;) 

Well, I read this for book club, which I’m happy it was chosen, because I have heard about this, but this was new for me. From all the reviews, it seems people either HATE it or LOVE it. I think I fall in the middle? 

The concept is intriguing and I wanted to learn more about these paranormal forces and why God wants to torture Daniel with making him meet up with Luce over and over again and having her die. It is SO tragic. It really is. People compare this with the Twilight books and I can see some similarities, but this feels different. Yes, Daniel is moody and tries to push Luce away – but for good reasons. Luce is kind of dumb and oddly attracted to him, BUT for good reason. I would be like Daniel too if I was him. He was jerky…but with a good reason for once I think it was romantic that he was trying to make her hate him/avoid her. Poor guy. While in the Twilight world Edward was just trying not to eat Bella (romantic????? I don’t really think so).

I liked Cam more than Daniel, honestly...even though I understand the moody jerky attitude working for him in this…I adored Cam. He was funny and romantic-ish (even tho he turned into a jerk at one point).

Anyways…I stray off of my main point.

Like I said…I liked the concept. However, the delivery and presentation was off for me. I was so bored at some points. Like really???? Where is the damn angels that were promised to me!? The paranormal world doesn’t open up and the story doesn’t really begin until damn well near the end. GAH. Then it was over in a heartbeat. All that build-up and bleh. I must admit…I am curious about the next book. I have heard and read that the second one is WAY better than the first one. *fingers crossed* because I do plan on reading it someday…my curiosity is killing me. 

It bothered me how Luce was placed in that boarding/prison school. JUST because her bf at the time magically caught on fire and so did she, doesn’t make her an arsonist. She did not have any priors, so I think it’s odd that they just where like, “OH YOU ARE GUILTY YOU CRIMINAL! STRAIGHT TO THE PRISON SCHOOL….THING!” WHAT? Really? No investigation…..okay.

Also, this was a school/prison thing and they are supposed to be under surveillance. How in the world were these kids running around, having picnics, swimming, and having parties without the adults catching them? A piss poor school/prison thing. SMH.

In the end, this was an okay read. I wanted more out of it and I was highly let down. The concept is fun, but the delivery was a meh for me. The ending, though, made me curious and have an actual desire to read the second book. Mainly, because they dive into the past more and it’s full of more paranormal stuff. ^_^ the first book IS important…but I suggest maybe trying to skip this one and start with the second book. I shall stamp this with 3 stars. Honestly, it would be 2, but damn…I am in love with the cover. ;D