Monday, December 10

Music Monday: I'm Back Edition

I'm back! I'm back! Time to do a jig! Huzzah I say, huzzah! *dances* 

As you can see I have missed my blog and posting and my lovely stalkers, I mean followers. ^.^ I know I haven't been gone too long, but it FEELS like an eon since I last posted or visited other blogs. Since it is Monday, I shall post my Music Monday. Time to get back into the flow of things. ^.^ 

Here is a nice colleague of some of the characters from Once Upon a Time. Not only is the video lovely, but the song is fantastic. It's 'Ever After' by Mariana's Touch 

Never thought this combo would work, but it's rather good. Here's a video about King Henry VIII, song 'Whatcha Say', and the song 'Hide and Seek'. 

Haha, a nice way to remember the personalities of the zodiacs. My friend shared this with me. It's so true, it's funny. ^.^

Thanks all I got this week. I feel so GOOD posting again. ^.^ A nice stress reliving. 



Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Oh I hadn't heard the Once Upon A Time song and that remix of Whatcha Say is really great! Thanks

Blodeuedd said...

Welcome back :D

Carole Rae said...

Melissa, its surprisingly good.

B, thanks!