Friday, January 24

Book/Play Review: Othello by William Shakespeare

Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Othello
Genre: Classic, Tragedy, Fiction, Play
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 319
Published: 1603
Where I Got It: My shelf (my big bad book of William Shakespeare collection)

In Othello, Shakespeare creates a powerful drama of a marriage that begins with fascination (between the exotic Moor Othello and the Venetian lady Desdemona), with elopement, and with intense mutual devotion and that ends precipitately with jealous rage and violent deaths. He sets this story in the romantic world of the Mediterranean, moving the action from Venice to the island of Cyprus and giving it an even more exotic coloring with stories of Othello's African past. Shakespeare builds so many differences into his hero and heroine—differences of race, of age, of cultural background—that one should not, perhaps, be surprised that the marriage ends disastrously. But most people who see or read the play feel that the love that the play presents between Othello and Desdemona is so strong that it would have overcome all these differences were it not for the words and actions of Othello's standard-bearer, Iago, who hates Othello and sets out to destroy him by destroying his love for Desdemona. As Othello succumbs to Iago's insinuations that Desdemona is unfaithful, fascination—which dominates the early acts of the play—turns to horror, especially for the audience. We are confronted by spectacles of a generous and trusting Othello in the grip of Iago's schemes; of an innocent Desdemona, who has given herself up entirely to her love for Othello only to be subjected to his horrifying verbal and physical assaults, the outcome of Othello's mistaken convictions about her faithlessness.

Weeeeeeeee! This is one of my favorite plays by good ol' Willy. It's been an age since I read this so it was nice revisiting it. Last time I read this was 2009. But yes, it's been years!

The play follows a diverse set of characters in Venice. Othello and Lady Desdemona elope, Othello gets his dream job, and everything seems perfect. However, Iago is set on destroying everything in Othello's life out of spite and revenge. 

This is a true tragedy and it gets me every time. The characters and the story are flawless in my opinion. I truly think that this is William Shakey's best work. The drama is perfect for the stage. It's over-the-top in spots but it is a lovely nod to Italian plays that are known for being slightly melodramatic. 

And Iago.........he is the perfect villain. I hate him, but I love hating him. He is my favorite villain still to this day. He is a terrible, hateful man, but is he evil? Eh. He truly believes that he is doing the world a favor for destroying Othello. He doesn't do these evil things just for the sake of being bad. He thinks that he is doing everyone a favor, mainly himself. But he is so clever and calculating. Honestly, if he used his skills for ACTUAL good, then he would unstoppable in the world. He is just so blinded by his jealousy and hate, but he doesn't let this fully control him. He is able to trick everyone so wonderfully. *chef kiss* 

Othello and Desdemona. *sighs* You just want them to be happy. They are soooo in love and seem so perfect for each other. However......there is a shadow upon their love. Between society, Othello's insecurities, and Iago in the shadows....they are doomed.

What I love the most (if you've read past reviews you will be able to guess what I'm about to say here) is that everyone is flawed. They are complex and oh-so human. You have no idea what will happen. Othello seems so strong and confident, but he is still insecure and petty. Desdemona and Cassio are both so sweet, but so naive. Iago seems like he could be a great guy if hate didn't blind him. All the characters hide behind theirs masks so well (which ties nicely into the Venetian setting). And society's and time period's failings will take all these flaws and brew something tragic for our characters. 

I could go on and on about how much I love this play by William S!!!! I still need to see this live. I've seen the movie, but never a live rendition of this play. Bucket list!!!! Also, I need to do an audio of this story one day.

But yes, this is (so far) my absolute favorite of William Shakespeare's stuff. I still have a bunch to read but it will be hard to topple this from the top. 

The characters....the setting....the lies....the flaws.....the tragedy. A must-read/see/hear...anyway you can get your hands on it. 

5 stars for sure. 

- Favorite Character(s): Desdemona (bc she is so sweet), Cassio, & Othello
- Least Favorite Character(s): Iago (BUT I love to hate him. Little villain)


Northwoman said...

Glad you enjoyed it so much! I think I saw a play at the Guthrie Theater a million years ago.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Jen Twimom said...

I may have seen a movie version of this one? I really don't recall.

Sophia Rose said...

I hadn't read this or seen it in years, but I got the audio from library last year and it stood the test of time for me, too. Good point about the flaws in all of them and the depth to it.

Carol said...

I love Othello!

Blodeuedd said...

I do not know if I could brave Othello

Carole Rae said...

Anne, jealous!!!

Jen, it was a good movie. Nice cast.

Sophia, I need to do the audio.

Carol, me too!!

B, I think you would get pissed. LOL But the movie is great.