Tuesday, January 21

Book Review: Any Duchess Will Do by Tessa Dare

Author: Tessa Dare
Title: Any Duchess Will Do
Series: Spindle Cove #4
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 389
Published: May 28, 2013
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

What's a duke to do, when the girl who's perfectly wrong becomes the woman he can't live without?

Griffin York, the Duke of Halford, has no desire to wed this season--or any season--but his diabolical mother abducts him to "Spinster Cove" and insists he select a bride from the ladies in residence. Griff decides to teach her a lesson that will end the marriage debate forever. He chooses the serving girl.

Overworked and struggling, Pauline Simms doesn't dream about dukes. All she wants is to hang up her barmaid apron and open a bookshop. That dream becomes a possibility when an arrogant, sinfully attractive duke offers her a small fortune for a week's employment. Her duties are simple: submit to his mother's "duchess training"... and fail miserably.

But in London, Pauline isn't a miserable failure. She's a brave, quick-witted, beguiling failure--a woman who ignites Griff's desire and soothes the darkness in his soul. Keeping Pauline by his side won't be easy. Even if Society could accept a serving girl duchess--can a roguish duke convince a serving girl to trust him with her heart?

Why are Dare books so much fun???

Back at Spindle Cove! Griff, a duke, as zero desire to marry. None. Zip. But his mom has other plans and she abducts him and takes him to Spindle Cove and insists he select a bride...any bride. In order to teach her a lesson, he selects the serving girl. That girl is Pauline who is overworked and struggling. She has a dream to open a bookshop and that dream becomes a possibility when the duke offers her a small fortune for a week's employment. Her job? Do the duchess training and fail. Embarrass herself. However, she proves to be anything but a miserable failure. She's everything Griff has ever wanted. 

Alongside the serious tones and steamy scenes....Dare adds a nice helping of humor. I was certainly creased!!! Hilarious. 

Pauline is a gem and Griff was fun. I had zero remembrance of him from a past book until his friend's wife reminded us. I was not a fan of him then (super duper gross Rake), but we weren't supposed to like him then. He's mended his ways and wants to live right. Love a good redemption arch! 

But yes, they were perfect for each other and I adored their interactions. 

I really had no idea what was going to happen. Yes, I knew they would find love and be happy (it is a romance after all), but I really had no idea how things would get fixed. There are a LOT of hurdles for them.

The side story of Griff's friend, Delacre, who's goal was to "keep Griff unmarried" because they made a pact at 19 was annoying. Go away. I get protecting him because he is a friend and you love him, but because of a PACT to sabotage at ALL costs? Ew. Not a fan of that whole thing. 

All-in-all, this was amusing. I enjoyed our couple. Lots of hurdles but it was worth it. This had a lot of steam when it finally happened, funny moments, and an adorable couple. I wasn't amused of the whole "Pact" thing, but I guess we needed a baddie of sorts? I'll give this 4 stars at the end of the day. 


- Favorite Character(s): Griff, Pauline, & oddly enough...the Dowager Duchess
- Least Favorite Character(s): Mr Simms (F him) and Delacre


Northwoman said...

I just don't read very much historical romance but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Jen Twimom said...

I really, really need to read Dare.

Jen Twimom said...

Maybe for my LIBRARY square in Bingo?!

Carole Rae said...

Anne, awww. HRs are my faves.

Jen, Dare is a blast and I feel like you can find a lot to fit your bingo ;)

Sophia Rose said...

That does sound like a fun situation.

Blodeuedd said...

I am still waiting for that new Dare book

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, Dare has some fun situations she puts her characters through lol.

B, I need to read them all!!!! Still have a few left.