Format: ebook
Pages: 376
Published: January 4, 2020
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
Kat Beckman is a survivor. A harrowing IED attack in Afghanistan has left Kat with debilitating PTSD even though everything else in her life seems normal. It’s not something she talks about. Never. The secrets from her time overseas have stayed there. It’s better that way… or at least she thinks so. One day, visiting her hospitalized mother-in-law, a mysterious man approaches her and offers Kat a cure for the cancer that is ravaging Laura’s body and the heart of Kat’s family. But is Kat willing to face her dark memories to save Laura? Kat’s decision drags her into a maze of blackmail, murder and treason that forces her to choose between her love for her family and her loyalty to her country. Whether Kat can depend on the people from her past may control her future…
Stumbled upon this and it sounded so interesting.........but sighs......
I think I got a hair over 100 pages of this before I had to toss my hands up in the air and surrender.
The characters seemed great. The plot seemed soooo interesting. But....sighs. Maybe it was execution? Maybe it was me not fully connecting? I'm not sure. I just couldn't care and I started skimming rather quickly.
DNF from me.
Not interested, Sorry not sorry book
This was not my favorite either and I wondered if I should have DNF'd it. Here's my Goodreads review.
Anne - Books of My Heart
B, I don't blame ya
Anne, heading over now!
Sometimes the book just doesn't match mood or reader need. Oh well!
Can't win them all Sophia!
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