Title: My Fake Billionaire
Genre: Contemporary Romance, LGBT, Novella, short story
Format: ebook
Pages: 68
Published: October 23, 2019
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
Denver Scott escaped New York after his break-up and got himself the dream job. Running the blog and book store at the Barefoot Beach Resort can only lead to good things. Even to the acquaintance of a handsome hottie with a heart of gold.
Billionaire William Knowles is looking forward to escaping to the little tropical island of Saint Louis and everything it has to offer. What he didn’t think he’d find there, was the cute Barefoot Librarian that makes his insides melt with need.
When Denver’s ex-boyfriend turns up on the island with his sugar daddy and his toxic attitude, the two men pretend to be in a fake relationship to get back at him. But even if their affair is not real, their feelings might be
I love a fun fake relationship! So this def caught my eye.
Here we follow Denver and William. Denver left New York after a terrible break-up and got himself a dream job! He is running a blog and bookstore at the Barefoot Beach Resort. Things are looking up until his ex shows up with a sugar daddy. Enter in billionaire William. William is also escaping but from dating and his parents. He agrees to pretend to be Denver's boyfriend. As time goes on feelings start bubbling to the surface.
I loved both Denver and William. You can see from their first encounter that they are perfect for each other. They are both sweet men who deserve all the love in the world. Both have been very hurt in the past, so it takes some time for them to see past the hurt...especially William. He has struggled to find someone who loves him for him and not his money.
This was very sweet and it made me want to go to a resort like that! I love the chill vibes.
The resolution was extremely simple, but this is a quick story and a quick romance. It worked for them.
Overall, a nice quick love story to read this summer! Perfect summer read. I'll actually stamp this with 5 stars. I really enjoyed it.
I like fake ones cos they always fall in love
Fake is my FAVORITE trope! Glad your Billionaire book worked for you. The one I read back a few months ago sucked! LOL
This was a fun one!!
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