Sunday, December 29

2013 Conclusion and Wrap-Ups

Happy Sunday everyone! I can't believe that 2013 is nearly done and over with. So crazy. I'm looking forward to 2014. 

Here is my wrap-up up on 2013:

 Book Read & Reviewed: 

Movies Watched & Reviewed:

Read 50 book - accomplished

Not too bad. Had a few dry spells throughout the year, but I feel I was more active with posting this year. I know for sure I'll up my reading challenges for the new year, since I know for sure I'm taking Winter semester off (due to lack of money). Spring is still up in the year depending on how much Financial Aid I get next year since I no longer live with my parents. ANYWAYS. It had been a busy year and I'm proud that I was able to not only accomplish my goal, but able to go a wee bit over it. Yipee! 

Tomorrow I shall post my favorites of the year. I think I shall call it the Carole Awards for now on. hahaha. 


Blodeuedd said...

Oh the Carole Awards, I like it :D

Carole Rae said...

:D Don't know why I never thought of it before. lol