Monday, August 26

Book Review: Life After Death

Author: Lillie J. Roberts 
Title: Life After Death 
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Mystery
Pages: ebook
First Published: March 18th 2013
Where I Got It: On my shelf. Given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion

"Chelsea Karmikel has led a pretty uneventful life…until she finds herself electrocuted. Now, she’s discovered her family’s secret heritage. She’s a seer of the dead, lending her sight to help those in need. Ghosts are her new reality.

Her mission is to encourage those who have lost their way to follow the Watchman, the crazed guide for the Inbetween…a way station where souls move from one existence to the next. But, there’s something deeper and darker than the ghosts who come to her for help. If Chelsea’s not careful, those eager to swallow her soul’s light may devour her alive… if she allows herself be drawn into the Nevernever.

When Brad Rearden, a darkly handsome, insufferable private detective and walks into her life, he touches off a wild-fire of desire that entraps them both, scorching them with need.
Together, they work to solve the mystery of his Aunt Deloris’s death, because Chelsea’s next on the murderer’s list. But who will catch whom—the murderer or Chelsea?"

Like earlier stated I was given this by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion. I will admit...I know the author and am pals with her, but I shall be completely honest and unbiased! 

Poor Chelsea...all she wanted was a simple life with a simple job. However, she is a klutz and due to this she accidentally electrocuted herself and it awoken a gene in her body that allows her to communicate with ghosts. Not only can she talk to them, but she can see them and feel them when they touch her. It is now her job as a "seer" to help the ghosts find peace. Poor chit...not an easy gig and I do not envy her. Then things get EXTRA complicated when a P.I comes into play. The daft man...I don't like Brad. Okay...its not that I dislike him, but I don't get how Chelsea forgave him so quickly. I would have been a bitter woman for a while. Gah. I guess love conquers all. Meh.

Events happened really quickly in this, but I contribute that its a novella in a way. There are only like 130 pages, so I think it falls under that category. So far warning...things happen pretty quickly, but things have to, so the story can move on. Like Chelsea and Brad falling deeply and madly in love and lust. I still don't like how quickly she forgave him for the huge insult and misunderstanding he had not only against Chelsea, but also against her Grandma. 

The book was a fun read, I enjoyed it immensely. It was short and quick, but never boring or cheesy. The voice and tone of the writer was very good and it kept me hooked and I read this in no time. I wish, though, she had made this bigger. Haha. I also wish that she went more in depth on Chelsea's power. 

In the end, I liked this book. It was a nice and quick read. I just wish it was longer and explained more about  her power as a seer. I feel as if we just scratched the surface. Perhaps a sequel is in our mists? ^.^ I would recommend this to those that love a paranormal blended with romance and mystery. This book shall be stamped with 4 stars. 

Favorite Character(s): Chelsea, Grandma, and Aunt Deloris.
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Sam & Brad (I had a love-hate thing with him)



Blodeuedd said...

A sequel would be good ;)

Carole Rae said...


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Anonymous said...

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ton pio oudetero tropo pshsimatos , anadeiknyontas tis pragmatikes geyseis.