Thursday, August 1

Thursday Book Teaser: The Age of Desire

Happy Thursday everyone! I can't believe it is already August! Where the Hell is my summer going? Holy crap! Hahaha. I can't believe Fall semester will be starting next month. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Well, I hope you all are having an excellent summer out there!

Well, today I shall shall a little snipbit from 'The Age of Desire' by Jennie Fields. This book is about Edith Wharton.

Page Number: 175
Location on Page: Second paragraph

"'Well,' he says.

Edith is mortified. She stands, her knees quaking. 'Not here. That's all I'm saying...'

'Sometimes you are an awful lot of effort.'

'I'm sorry.' She closes her eyes, remorseful. 'I didn't mean to hurt you. Did I hurt you?'

He glares at her, not answering. 'HR is coming soon. You understand?' He says.

Her lips quiver.
'Then we'll have no time alone together....even if he does approve of our enchevetrement romantique.'

'Just not here. Not here at Harry's.'

'And then you sail. 'Not here'. It's an excuse, you know. It's an excuse because you have no heart.'

'I do have a heart...' In fact, she feels it sinking, clanking away from her like a rock down a well. She must know him better, feel closer to him before she can feel close in that other way." 

A little trouble in paradise I feel is ahead of me in my reading. Ooooooooooh. 



Blodeuedd said...

I got an email from Amy, I saw she sent it to you too, and I can now see that you have the book :)

Carole Rae said...

hahaha yup. And nearly done reading it. I'll prolly have it done before the date on which I need to have it done. Oh well.

Tomatolover said...

Hi Carole - Just wanted to let you know that your grandparents are so proud of you. We showed them your blog. I love your book reviews. They are so put together and some of the best reviews I've ever seen. I've been telling them about your book reviews, since I read them on Goodreads, but you mentioned your blog on fb and so I showed it to Uncle Paul, who then showed it to his parents and your Great Uncles. You write so well that you make me want to read "romance" novels and I don't read that category of books even! lol Keep up the good reviews, as there are many of us anticipating reading them. Take care.

Carole Rae said...

*blushes* Thanks a lot for the love and support! I'm glad you guys like my stuff. haha.