A weekly meme created by Melissa over at My World in Words & Pages. You share just a bit about where you are, who you are with, and what is happening in your current read. Be careful not share any major spoilers.
I'm embarassed because I am SLOWLY making it through this book and I've been reading it for a week now. *hides under rock* Anyways I'm currently reading The Colonel's Lady by Laura Frantz.
I am with Roxanna in Fort Endeavor in Kentucky during the 18th century and its Christmas. She is waiting for her father to come back to the fort after a little military "fun" catching "redskins" and "redcoats". The soldiers are just coming home and they don't look to happy.....
I don't know if you're reading it slowly because you really like it or what. It took me about a week to read the Pelican Brief and not because I wanted to lol, I did like it though.
I decided to join the Who? What? Where? too.
Ut oh, that can't be good if the soldiers don't look happy. :) Thank you greatly for joining. :)
I'm not really sure. I'm sort of...neutral at this point. hahaha. Okay! I'll stop on by!
No worries on the reading time...sometimes it's limited! As for your current happenings, sounds like someone was definitely a "Daddy's girl" what with her chosen "fun" activity...LOL. Hope you enjoy the read!
Hahaha yeah...sometimes life gets in the way. I am so far.
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