Tuesday, September 21

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Falling in Love With Covers.

9/21 - Have you ever bought a book just because you fell in love with the cover? And did such book live up to it?

Of course!! Too many times to give a number. Sometimes a cover just CALLS to you and you can't resist.

Did they live up to their cover???? I would say 50/50. Some have been absolute winners. Some? Absolutely not. Some have lead to sorrow and sadness. We shall call those sirens. Lovely to look at, but will lead you to a bad reading experience. 



Melliane said...

Yeah it happens sometimes

Blodeuedd said...

THe pull is too strong

Jen Twimom said...

A cover can grab my attention, but I'll do my research first before I read it.

Carole Rae said...

Melliane, yep!

B, it can be for sure!

Jen, it all depends for me.