Title: Devastation (Beastly Tales #3)
Genre: Paranormal Romance and Fantasy
Pages: 403
First Published: August 2015
Where I Got It: My Shelf (Amazon)
Abused and rejected, Benella strives to regain a purpose for her life, and finds herself returning to the last place she ever wanted to see. She must learn when it is right to forgive and when it is time to move on.
This is the third and final book in the series. The last one ended horribly (but in a good way) I could not help but dive into this one the moment I could! I needed to know how the author was going to move forward with the story. Poor Benella! She has a long road in order to pick herself up from what happened at the end of the last book. The Beast has his own journey to make. He has a lot to do to redeem himself for all he had done wrong...and he needs Benella to help him.
Okay...this is going to make me sound bad....but I wanted Benella to be sad and upset for a little longer before making her go back. BUT the story cannot linger, so I understand getting the ball rolling, but I did want her to stew more and be more resentful.
There were some points that dragging on and on and on. I think the author should have focused elsewhere. There was a lot of repeating scenes. I get it...the Beast cuddles you pretty much every night. I get it...you don't know if you can trust yet. It was getting frustrating at some points.
Dammit - the Beast and Benella's Father need to keep Benella locked up in the house. Everyone is out to rape her or hurt her in some way! Good lord!! SMDH.
I do love the whole role of the witch. I'm glad we got to understand her a bit more and why she did the things she did. It was interesting to see **SPOILER ALERT** that the witch was not truly the bad guy at all. Sure, she should have done some things differently and manipulation is not always ideal. I'm just glad that it turns out she really did care for the well-being of the Beast/Alec, Benella, and the entire North. **SPOILER ENDED** I thought it was a truly clever turn of events for this character.
GAH! I hate Benella's sisters. WHY DO YOU KEEP FORGIVING THEM!?!?!?!?!?! They are selfish and greedy and bitchy. I get they are her sisters and blah blah blah, but they do not deserve Benella's love. The one did seem to get better but gah.
Siiiiiiiiighs, I want to say more, but I'm afraid of letting go more spoilers! D:
Let's see....
This was pretty okay. There were a lot of dragging moments, but it is a must read especially if you read the other two. This book dives into more character building and even some more world building. All the loose ends from the previous books are tied up nicely. I recommend this series if you like retellings. It is good. It's a dark world and a dark retelling, but I liked it. I'll stamp this with 3 stars.
Okay...this is going to make me sound bad....but I wanted Benella to be sad and upset for a little longer before making her go back. BUT the story cannot linger, so I understand getting the ball rolling, but I did want her to stew more and be more resentful.
There were some points that dragging on and on and on. I think the author should have focused elsewhere. There was a lot of repeating scenes. I get it...the Beast cuddles you pretty much every night. I get it...you don't know if you can trust yet. It was getting frustrating at some points.
Dammit - the Beast and Benella's Father need to keep Benella locked up in the house. Everyone is out to rape her or hurt her in some way! Good lord!! SMDH.
I do love the whole role of the witch. I'm glad we got to understand her a bit more and why she did the things she did. It was interesting to see **SPOILER ALERT** that the witch was not truly the bad guy at all. Sure, she should have done some things differently and manipulation is not always ideal. I'm just glad that it turns out she really did care for the well-being of the Beast/Alec, Benella, and the entire North. **SPOILER ENDED** I thought it was a truly clever turn of events for this character.
GAH! I hate Benella's sisters. WHY DO YOU KEEP FORGIVING THEM!?!?!?!?!?! They are selfish and greedy and bitchy. I get they are her sisters and blah blah blah, but they do not deserve Benella's love. The one did seem to get better but gah.
Siiiiiiiiighs, I want to say more, but I'm afraid of letting go more spoilers! D:
Let's see....
This was pretty okay. There were a lot of dragging moments, but it is a must read especially if you read the other two. This book dives into more character building and even some more world building. All the loose ends from the previous books are tied up nicely. I recommend this series if you like retellings. It is good. It's a dark world and a dark retelling, but I liked it. I'll stamp this with 3 stars.
I'm glad you had a nice time with the series. I don't think I knew about it but why not
I had to read the spoiler
Melliane, a good series. :D
B, you bad girl you. But the spoiler wasn't too spoiler-ish
I'll read it if I find it, thank you for the review!
Ana, hope you like it! I only found it on Amazon
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