Friday, October 31

Book Blog Walkers & Happy Halloween!

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog
This is my first week with this challenge. I've been wanting to do this for a while now...but...I just never did. Plus, I do a lot of walking at my job, so I was being a baby. Even though it is almost the end of 2014, I shall jump on board (because they say you can join whenever). I don't have anything recorded for Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, because I decided to join on Tuesday. I am a bad cookie. Next week will be a full week. 

Tuesday: 2.5 mile walk/jog
Wednesday: 1 hour walk (about 2 miles, I forgot to turn on my step counter) 
Thursday: 30 min of Zumba and 1 mile walk
Friday: 30 min of Zumba - Buns, Abs, and Thighs workout (that kicks my butt every time) and 1 mile walk
Conclusion: I feel I did a good job even though I started late for this week. I really should do that Zumba - Buns, Abs, and Thighs one a couple times a week, but it kicks my booty and its hard. Not gunna lie, but I can feel it. I can't wait for school to be over, because it is hard to fit in a whole bunch of exercise with 40 hours at work and then full time in college, but I will make sure I try and do it everyday! 



Happy Halloween everyone! Since I started this challenge, I shall try and be a good kid and not eat a lot of candy at work. ;D Here's a pic of my Book Club all dressed up for Halloween (not everyone could show):
(From left to right) Jess as Poison Ivy, Aly as a witch, me as a Naughty Maid, Jasmine as a cat, Reece as a Magician's Assistant, and Tyler (the one having an awesome pose) as a cat.