Thursday, September 12

Thursday Book Teaser: Betrayal

Happy Thursday everyone! I know its been some time since I've done a TBT, but I honestly had been lazy and been busy with life. >_< It's such a different world when you move out the parents house and on your own/living with Boyfriend. Instead of the chores being divided among three people, it is now divided between two. Fun stuff!

Anyways, today I'll be sharing a little snipbit from 'Betrayal' by Sandra Schwab. 

Page Number: 75% into the ebook
Paragraph: 3

"Ashburnham shook his head. 'You excite yourself over nothing, my lady, 'he said brusquely, and brushed past the dowager countess to go to Georgina. 'I see you have had a chance to refresh yourself.' His expression gentled. 'I hope you have found everything to your liking. Why don't you sit down?' He offered her his arm. Flabbergasted, she let him lead her to a chair. 'I will ring for tea.'

'Tea?' his mother gasped.

'Tea,' he repeated through gritted teeth. 'And we will talk about this like rational beings.'

'You must be out of your mind, Ashburnham!'

'Indeed, I assure you I am not, my lady,' he said, impatience harshening his voice. 'It was ill judgement on your part to send the constable after Georgiana. You might have meant well - '

'Of course, I - '

'But something like that won't happen again,' he overrode the dowager countess. 'So we will all sit down and talk about this situation and find a solution to it.'"

The constable? A little extreme in MY opinion. hahahaha.