Wednesday, April 10

Who, What, Where: Clisson and Eugenie

A weekly meme created by Melissa over at My World in Words & Pages. You share just a bit about where you are, who you are with, and what is happening in your current read. Be careful not share any major spoilers. 

Happy Wednesday. Sorry for the lack of posts and reviews these last couple of weeks. I'm feeling crappy, its raining/thundering (which I don't mind), I'm cold, and I feel like utter crap. Plus school is giving me a headache. Gaaaah.

This is set in the 18th century in France and we are with Clisson while he is away at war. Clisson has received many letters from his wife, Eugenie. She is freaking out and is worried that he is dying and demands for him to return home. 

I'm still shocked that Napoleon Bonaparte had written a love story. :/ 

Oh well.

What are you guys reading????



carol said...

I hope you feel better soon!

I'm in England. On my kindle, I'm with Lord Peter investigating a murder. On audio, I'm in a hotel looking for a lost engagement ring.

Carole Rae said...

Thanks, Carol!

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Haha, I was surprised as well. :D Sounds good. Do hope you are loving it. :)

Unknown said...

What? It's really written by him? Wow lol I wonder if it's based on someone he knew

Christine said...

Hope you feel better! Don't worry, my blog has been pretty vacant itself. The semester is almost over so I've been swamped!

I hope Clisson writes his wife back soon. I can't imagine not knowing how your husband is while he's away at war. That's probably a pretty scary feeling.

Carole Rae said...

Melissa, I am liking it so far! I'm so stunned, still, that HE wrote it.

Rivie, I know! Insane notion! I'm curious as well. Once I'm done I'm going to do some research.

Christine, thanks hun! I'm feeling a lot better. Lucky girl...mine has just started. Gah.

Gina said...

Sorry to hear you're under the weather but at least you're still reading, right? ^_^ Sounds like a curious little read...and of course she's worried about him, he IS at war. Happy reading!

Blodeuedd said...

I am impressed

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Gina. I'm trying to read, but i get bad headaches and want to sleep all the time, so I barely read. hahaha. It is a nice little read. Yeaaaaaaaah, I would be worried to death.

B, so was I.