Wednesday, November 14

Who, What, Where??

This meme was created by Melissa over at My World in Words and Pages. This meme is a way to share where you are, who you are with, and what is going on in your book. Make sure to not give away any major spoilers. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! The week is nearly done so do not fret! Sorry I haven't been as active as I normally am, but the semester is nearly over and I have a total of three papers due. One I just turned in, which is my Philosophy of Education (if you want to check it out, click HERE, I am in love with this paper and I feel like its fantastic even if my teacher were to fail me on it). One is due tomorrow, which is for my International Relations class. I'm writing on diplomats, which really interests me because I would LOVE to do that. The third one is for my Macroeconomics class, which isn't due for two weeks. I haven't picked a topic yet. 0_0 Oh well. 

I'm with Elizabeth Darcy, Georgianna, and the neighbors of Pemberly enjoying some neighborly time together. We are in England during the 19th century in Jane Austen's world. Georgianna seems to have a crush on one of the neighbors (well not name) and Elizabeth is encouraging this, while Mr. Darcy is on the search for a rich suitor for his sister. 

Where are you guys at?



Blodeuedd said...

Yay PP fiction :)

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Oh do hope you are enjoying your neighborly time. ;D Thank you!!

Carole Rae said...

B, yayy!

Melissa, it lol