Thursday, December 19

Book Review: A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare

Author: Tessa Dare
Title: A Lady by Midnight
Series: Spindle Cove #3
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 389
Published: August 28, 2012
Where I Got It: Borrowed from library

Spindle Cove, nestled in a peaceful corner of Regency Era England, has long been known as “Spinster Cove,” due to its preponderance of unwed ladies of “delicate constitutions”—and that’s the fictional setting for a delightful historical romance series by USA Today bestselling author Tessa Dare. In A Lady by Midnight, a young woman searching for her family finds love unexpectedly with a handsome colonel—but the secrets of her heritage threaten to disrupt their romance…and their upcoming nuptials.

Been meaning to read this one, but other books got in the way. *shakes fist*

Back at Spindle Cove. This time is it is Kate's and Colonel Thorne's turn for love. The secrets of her heritage threaten to disrupt everything...including the early sprouts of their romance. Thorne is also not making it easy. He has a dark past and he doesn't know what the meaning of love it. 

I enjoyed this one a lot even though I wanted to shake everyone. Especially Thorne. UGH. I get it. He had a rough, rough, ROUGH past. But aren't that guy anymore. You have amazing friends and Kate LOVES you! *bangs head on table*

The solution was easy to Kate's "problem" at the end there. Her solution was silly and not necessary. Whatever. It works, but it was silly.

I'm so happy these two found love. They really needed it and deserved it. 

Can't wait to read more. I'm trying to take these slowly so I don't burn out. 

But yes, this wasn't my favorite of the series or of Dare's other books, but I still enjoyed it. I wanted a different solution but it is what it is. It worked. 

More please!

3 stars. 

ONE WORD SUMMARY: Entertaining

Reading Challenges: 
- Library Love #34


Northwoman said...

I don't read very much historical romance but glad you liked it.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Blodeuedd said...

Has there been a million years since she came out with a book? I need my Dare fix

Carole Rae said...

Anne, awwww HR is my ultimate favorites.

B, I knowwwww that is why I have been trying to take my time with the last few books I have for her.