Author: Dean Koontz
Title: The Neighbor
Series: The City #0.5
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Short story, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery
Format: ebook
Pages: 33
Published: January 1, 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
A prequel to The City
The year is 1967. Malcolm Pomerantz is twelve, geeky and socially awkward, while his seriously bright sister, Amalia, is spirited and beautiful. Each is the other’s best friend, united by a boundless interest in the world beyond their dysfunctional parents’ unhappy home. But even the troubled Pomerantz household will seem to be a haven compared to the house next door, after an enigmatic and very secretive new neighbor takes up residence in the darkest hours of the night.
Got a few little short stories from Amazon. Gotta love it! But I picked this one up because I have read a book by this author before and I have been interested in checking out 'The City' (book 1). So why not read the prequel?
The year is 1967 and Malcolm is 12. He is awkward and geeky, while his sister is spirited and beautiful and talented. He swears she'll be famous someday. They are best friends and united by a boundless interest in the world outside of their dysfunctional home. However, there is something dark next door that makes them happy to be living in their home.
This was short but filled to the brim with story. I was hooked to every single page. I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen or what was even going on.
The ending was good. Now I'm extra excited for the first book. I believe Malcolm and his sister make appearances so that will be fun to see them in the aftermath of what they experienced.
But yes, this was short, but good. A nice mini thriller and mystery with paranormal stuff attached. I'm so glad what happened happened to that house. A very good ending.
Fun! Can't wait to read book 1.
I'll give this 5 stars.
Glad you enjoyed. I read a Koontz book back in the 90s and it was a bit to scary for me, so no more, thank you.
A really good mini thriller. I like that
Jen, awww. I get it. The other book I read was so good but scary.
B, yayy for minis!
Now, that's what a prequel is for- getting you all revved for the first book.
I've never read this author but I've thought about it. It's in the type of books I read. Nice short preview might be good to try.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Sophia, yesss! And now I'm actually curious about it!
Anne, I say def try one his shorts to get a sprinkle of his writing :D
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