Tuesday, January 16

Second Chance for an Old DNF??

Second chance means: "An opportunity to try something again after failing one time"

One of my goals this year is to give one or two DNFs a second chance. New year, new me...right? Like people, sometimes they need a second chance. I went back to some of my oldest DNFs here in blogland.

Here are some self-imposed rules I have made: 

- The book must be sitting on the DNF shelf for over a year. Time heals wounds...right?

- Honor the poll choice

- Read at LEAST 125 pages before giving up. 

- Be completely and utterly honest

- If it is a physical book on my shelf and I DNF it again, I MUST rehome it.

What DNF Deserves a Second Chance?
Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler
The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly
Twin Souls by K.A Poe
Love on the Range by Sondra Grey
Royal Exile by Fiona McIntosh
Created with PollMaker

If there is a book I DNFed in the past that you think I should give a second chance to, put it in the comments! I plan to do at least 2 of these second chances this year, so maybe next time I will include the book you want on our next poll!


Sophia Rose said...

I like your DNF challenge and your rules. Hope it goes well, Carole!

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Sophia!!

Jen Twimom said...

How fun is this! I look forward to seeing how it works for you!

Blodeuedd said...

Fun idea!

Carole Rae said...

Jen, I'll let you know! I may do this twice a year.

B, you're welcome to steal the idea ;)