Tuesday, January 23

DNF Second Chance Announcement!

After the votes, it turned out we had a 4-way tie. Eeee. So I decided to do a wheel spin...yess....leaving it up to the Fate. 

Here is our first-ever DNF Second Chance pick!

I will try and get started on this in February! 

Again...here are my self-imposed rules: 

- The book must be sitting on the DNF shelf for over a year. Time heals wounds...right?

- Honor the poll choice

- Read at LEAST 125 pages before giving up. 

- Be completely and utterly honest

- If it is a physical book on my shelf and I DNF it again, I MUST rehome it.

If you want to do this idea for yourself, please feel free. It might become a thing going forward. We'll see how book 1 goes ;) 


Northwoman said...

I read this one and liked it, on audio.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Carole Rae said...

I have it on ebook. Maybe I'll see if I can track down an audio...maybe that is key.

Blodeuedd said...

You can do it!
Or not, then let it be

Carole Rae said...

We shall see.