Saturday, June 30

Movie Review: Wind River (2017)

Film Title: Wind River
Length: 1h and 47 min 
Released: 2017
Genre:  Crime, Drama, Mystery 
Rating: R
Where I Got It: Netflix


A veteran tracker with the Fish and Wildlife Service helps to investigate the murder of a young Native American woman, and uses the case as a means of seeking redemption for an earlier act of irresponsibility which ended in tragedy.



This movie broke my heart in so many pieces. Such a beautiful film. 

This movie follows Cory who stumbles upon the body of a young girl from his town. Cory is haunted by the death of his own daughter and this brings up old feelings and a desire to help find the rapist and killer. The FBI gets involved with this mystery. 

There is a deep sadness in this film. Cory is dealing with his failed marriage and his daughter's death. Why not add the death of his late daughter's old friend? Poor guy. He just wants to live his life in peace. The whole town has it's own issues too and this is making it worse. All around sad. 

I really did enjoy the film, but I was a little annoyed that they fell into the typical plot of white guy saving the day. It seemed to work because he wasn't a perfect character. His skills seemed to be the major helping factor in this mystery. 

But overall...this film was done well. I cried and I was on the edge of my seat. I had to know what happened to that poor girl. The actors did wonderful especially her parents....they broke my heart. 

A good mystery and a good story. I was a little annoyed that they fell into the typical plot...but it worked out well and he really wasn't the main character so it wasn't a huge negative factor for me. I'll stamp this with 4 stars. 

Friday, June 29

Blog All About It: GROWL

This month the prompt is "GROWL"

Another tough prompt this month! They are certainly challenging us!!

For this month, I shall go ahead and make a list of things that make me growl in books. And growl in a bad way. There is no order to this list. ;D

  • Perfect characters
  • 2 D characters
  • Obnoxiously long books that really did not need to be that long
  • Any character that suffers Bella Swan Syndrome...*which means characters that are loved by everyone and it makes no sense
  • Overly cheesy scenes
  • Abrupt endings
  • Cliff-hangers with no book in sight
  • Run on sentences
  • Not enough background story...I hate being confused
Just a few things that make me growl! What makes you growl?

Thursday, June 28

June is Audiobook Month: A New Love of Audiobooks

As long as I could remember, I have been neutral to audiobooks. I would listen to one every now and then. I had issues listening to these unless it was a story I really wanted to listen to or had to (i.e. school). This is the first year where I realized that maybe I should try audiobooks and really and truly give them a chance. Plus, I had a ton of credits in Amazon for some free ones. Being a working woman with a long commute to work also really encouraged this decision.

My original goal was to listen to 2 this year. A nice goal, but I have blown past this goal. I am at 9 now and it is only June. This is a lot for me. I have really surprised myself. Maybe being old now has made me wiser. 

I’ve really enjoyed listening to these. I have such a bundle left to listen to! Blodeuedd actually gave me a huge stack for Christmas and I haven’t even started that stack yet. I’m slowly getting through these freebies from Amazon Audible. Nearly there. I’ll probably start the bundle Blodeuedd sent to me next month or August. She certainly gave me a ton and I am excited. 

Blodeuedd actually asked me to write this post to share my thoughts and opinions, so here I am. She honestly is to blame for my sudden liking of audiobooks. I am now getting addicted. I am not 100% addicted yet, but I am getting there yet. Lately, I have been listening to audiobooks outside of my normal times I listen. 

Here are some that I liked and I recommend seem to be better listened to than actually reading. The narrator really brought this story alive and I really feel I enjoyed the book because of the narrator: 

Sometimes the story can be amazing and the narration can be amazing. There are two audiobooks that I LOVED and are some of the best stories I have listened to this year:

I am excited to see what I will listen to next!

Wednesday, June 27

Audiobook Review - The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Author: Khaled Hosseini 
Narrator: Author
Title: The Kite Runner
Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction
Pages: Audiobook
Published: 2003
Where I Got It: My shelf (Audible)

Amir is the son of a wealthy Kabul merchant, a member of the ruling caste of Pashtuns. Hassan, his servant and constant companion, is a Hazara, a despised and impoverished caste. Their uncommon bond is torn by Amir's choice to abandon his friend amidst the increasing ethnic, religious, and political tensions of the dying years of the Afghan monarchy, wrenching them far apart. But so strong is the bond between the two boys that Amir journeys back to a distant world, to try to right 

I’ve had my eyes on this book for a long while. I could never find it for cheap and my old library never had a copy (I really need to get my library card for this new library). However, the audio landed in my lap so it works!

The story follows Amir from his youth as a boy from a rich family. His best friend is his servant Hassan who would do anything for Amir. Things happen and the two are torn apart. Hassan stays and Amir ends up in America. 

I felt so bad for Hassan. He was such a good, loyal friend and servant. Amir was a little snot and did not deserve a friend like Hassan. Amir is a coward and a selfish little boy. Karma does strike him more than once for what he did and didn’t do. I had a hard time at first with the story because I loathed Amir so much. However, I stuck with the story and as Amir grew up he was more tolerable especially since karma did serve him a little here and a little there. It also helped that Amir did realize how terrible he was to his friend. Guilt is a powerful thing. 

There was an event that happened that made me respect Amir. I never grew to like him...but I did respect him and understand him in the end. 

The story really was good. It really shows that people are not perfect no matter what part of the world they come from. It was an interesting viewpoint and the author brought the world to life. There were a lot of things one can take from this story and they are important messages. It took a lot for Amir to learn some of these messages. Well…he KNEW the lesson but he had to actually apply them and do. You can know something but if you do not do what is right there you truly did not learn. 

The author narrated this and he did a good job. I do wish that his voices changed for different characters even a smidge. I had to really pay attention when dialogue was going on especially at the beginning when I was learning everyone’s name. Other than that? No complaints.

Overall, I did enjoy this story. The characters were interesting and I had to know what was going to happen next even though I know the political things that happen, I still wanted to know how this impacted our characters. Besides for my loathing of Amir at the beginning, I did grow to understand him. I still did not like him but understood him and I respected him after a certain event happened. The narration was good, but I do wish the narrator tried to give the characters a smidge of a different voice to help us, listeners, out. In the end, I’ll stamp this with 4 stars. 

Tuesday, June 26

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Abrupt Endings Are the Worst

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

What is worse: cliffhanger, abrupt ending or open ending?

A good question indeed! All three can be horrible. 

I would have to say the abrupt ending. No one likes abrupt in any form. In movies, shows, or books. Or even music for that matter! Some sort of ending is better than nothing. I’ll even take a cliffhanger because there is something there and something to intrigue me and let me know there is more to come in the next installment(s). 

An abrupt ending makes me feel the author was too lazy to finish the story and didn’t know what else to do so they simply just STOPPED and called it an ending. At least with the other two, there was some thought put into it. Even an open-ending has a lot of thought. There is an end, but it does allow the reader or watcher to think. 

Also, an abrupt ending is not effective. It pisses (pardon my language) people off. Much like the ending of the infamous ‘Sopranos’. A dare you find a single fan of the show (I never watched it myself) that would applaud the abrupt ending they had there. This form of ending is so unused I cannot even think of a good book example while I can think of a million examples for the other two. Unused because it is the worst ending you can do to your fans. 

Yes. Abrupt is the worst and should be avoided by all. 

A quick pic from the lake we went to in Indiana fo the weekend. I miss it already!

Monday, June 25

Blodeuedd's Monday Review: TOMB RAIDER (2018)

Director: Roar Uthaug
Writers: Geneva Robertson-Dworet (screenplay by), Alastair Siddons (screenplay by) 
Stars: Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Walton Goggins 

 1h 58min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy 

Lara Croft is the fiercely independent daughter of an eccentric adventurer who vanished when she was scarcely a teen. Now a young woman of 21 without any real focus or purpose, Lara navigates the chaotic streets of trendy East London as a bike courier, barely making the rent, and takes college courses, rarely making it to class. Determined to forge her own path, she refuses to take the reins of her father's global empire just as staunchly as she rejects the idea that he's truly gone. Advised to face the facts and move forward after seven years without him, even Lara can't understand what drives her to finally solve the puzzle of his mysterious death. Going explicitly against his final wishes, she leaves everything she knows behind in search of her dad's last-known destination: a fabled tomb on a mythical island that might be somewhere off the coast of Japan. But her mission will not be an easy one; just reaching the island will be extremely treacherous. Suddenly, the stakes couldn't ...

My thoughts:
Omg, this was so incredibly...DULL! Not an origin story worth watching,

First of all nothing about Alicia said Lara Croft. Yes yes I know she does not have to have big boobs (or is it pointy ones? ;), but it's Alicia herself. She seemed so nice, timid, harmless. Interesting in tombs or raiding? Not really. She did mess around with a bog bow and I was all please, give this girl a gun instead, I mean there is one right there!

Anyway Lara is being boring, then she goes to a boring island and then she runs around said boring island that NO ONE HAS SEEN. Right, there is not like there are satellites, but oh wait there is an evil group making sure no one can find it or whatevs.

I would not recommend this one. I usually like her in movies, I did not like her here. There were other actors, but they were unforgettable, except the guy whose ships she took. He was the only one shining through.

Not worth it. I was disappointed. I hope they do not make more.

Sunday, June 24

Book Review: The Gilded Shroud by Elizabeth Bailey

Author: Elizabeth Bailey
Title: The Gilded Shroud (A Lady Fan Mystery #1)
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, and Romance
Pages: ebook
Expected publication: 1992
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher for my unbiased opinion)

When the marchioness is found murdered at Polbrook mansion, the Dowager Lady Polbrook's new companion, Ottilia Draycott, finds herself in a house of strangers and every one of them a suspect. Only she can unmask and outwit a desperate killer and keep a Polbrook family secret buried.

Mysteries are so fun especially a good one like this!

The story follows Ottilia who is the new companion for the Dowager Lady Polbrook. The first morning after she arrives, Emily (the daughter-in-law) is murdered and her husband disappears around the same time. Chaos indeed! However, this family is in luck because Ottilia enjoys good mysteries and decides to help them solve this murder. 

I am very surprised this family was so kind to allow Ottilia to help. She is a virtual stranger and is a woman. She makes some good points so I guess it makes sense to let her loose. What is the worst that could happen? 

Ottilia was an interesting character. She was smart, but she had her moments of silliness. There were times I was surprised they kept her on. 

The romance aspect was done well I feel. It didn't at all take over the story. It was SOOO slow and took a back seat when it had to. It also felt real for these two characters because they have more important things to worry about. I do wish there had been a couple of other moments to feel the chemistry. There was chemistry missing between the two. Maybe the next book will show this more. 

The mystery was good. I guessed who it was but I was not confident in my guess. Much like our heroine. The hints were there, but I was unsure until a certain scene. When it was revealed I huzzahed. I was happy I got it. 

In the end, I really did enjoy this. I wanted more chemistry between Ottilia and Francis, but I liked how the romance was mixed in with this murder mystery. I am curious to read the next one. I'll stamp this with 4 stars. 

Saturday, June 23

Movie Review: TAG (2018)

Film Title: TAG
Length: 1h and 30 min 
Released: 2018
Genre:  Comedy
Rating: R
Where I Got It: Theater


A small group of former classmates organize an elaborate, annual game of tag that requires some to travel all over the country.


When I first watched the trailer a while back this seemed like a good film for Netflix on a lazy day. However, we somehow ended up deciding to watch this on a Saturday night. It won the vote. 

This was WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than I anticipated. I thought it would be funny. However, it was hilarious AND it had a good story. The story and the characters really made this story. They made it fun and made it heart-warming. There were a couple of actors I did not expect to be funny, but they were hilarious. 

I envy this group of friends. Having this traditional every year. I kind of wish we had something like this, but I was never good at tag. Short legs and all. 

I loved the credits when they showed real clips of the real friends who do this. This movie is loosely based on these guys, but they show the heart of what these guys did. It worked well. 

My favorite scene was the scene when one of the characters dressed up as an old lady to try and get the jump on another one. That was the best!!

In the end, watch it. If you like friend movies that have heart and laughs, this is for you. It'll make you jealous that you didn't think to do this with your childhood gang. I'll give this 5 stars. I had no issues at all. 

Thursday, June 21

Book Review: Mercenary by David Gaughran

Author: David Gaughran
Title: Mercenary
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: ebook
Expected publication: June 4th 2014 
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)

Lee Christmas gets drunk and falls asleep at the throttle of his locomotive, plowing straight into an oncoming train. Blacklisted from the railroad and his marriage in tatters, he flees New Orleans on a steamer bound for the tropics. 

In Honduras, he begins a quiet new life. But trouble has a way of finding Christmas. With unrest sweeping the countryside, he's kidnapped by bandits. Soon, he finds himself taking sides in an all-out civil war--as leader of the rebellion. 

To my surprise...this is based off a real story. Huh. Learn something new every day. 

But yes Lee is a piece of crap. I say this with what I know from the book. Maybe there is more to the real story? Maybe not? But I am going based on the book here. Lee messes up his career for being an idiot drunk. Ruins every single marriage he gets and he KNOWS why, but doesn't do anything to fix it. The only thing he is good at is killing and leading an army. Oh and he is good at drinking too. 

The story was interesting enough. However, it was hard to really like the story because of Lee. Yes, yes, I always say I like complex characters and I do like a good baddie and a story about an anti-hero. But oh my goodness how I hated Lee. A drunk idiot. You can't label him as an anti-hero and you can't say he is complex. He was a simpleton who has no one to blame but himself for his misery in life. STOP MARRYING PEOPLE AND STOP HAVING BABIES!!! Just be content with being a mercenary! That is all you are good at. Sighs. 

The writing was good and I wouldn't mind reading more by this author. I should do some research on this Lee fellow, but ugh. I have a feeling this story was pretty on point. We shall see though. 

In the end...the story was an interesting read, but it was hard to really like it because of the main character. He was an idiot. I wanted to kick him. I don't blame his wives for dumping his butt. I'll give this 2 stars. 

Tuesday, June 19

Tell Me Something Tuesday: CLIFFHANGERS

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

Cliffhangers: Do they compel you to read more or steer you away?

Oooooo the dreaded cliffhanger. As a writer, I do love writing them...but as a reader....NO. A big fat noooooo! 

Let me explain my answer.....

If I had really enjoyed a story, cliffhangers do not steer me away. They annoy me and they leave me screaming NOOOOOOO. I have to read the next one just to make me feel better especially if I have the next one ready to go. If I have to wait a year or more for the next book? I get really, really mad. HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO YOUR BELOVED READER! MONSTER! I SAY MONSTER! *shakes fist*

Now, if I barely liked the story or was meh. The cliffhanger will steer me away. I will not read more. I get annoyed and say I do not care. Even if I do want to find out what happens next, I'll not read it. Sorry. 

Poor Mamyia all exhausted and whatnot while I am trying to work! It is so nice now having two days to work at home. ^_^

Monday, June 18

Blodeuedd's Monday Review: Freakling by Lana Krumwiede

In twelve-year-old Taemon’s city, everyone has a power called psi — the ability to move and manipulate objects with their minds. When Taemon loses his psi in a traumatic accident, he must hide his lack of power by any means possible. But a humiliating incident at a sports tournament exposes his disability, and Taemon is exiled to the powerless colony. The "dud farm" is not what Taemon expected, though: people are kind and open, and they actually seem to enjoy using their hands to work and play and even comfort their children. Taemon adjusts to his new life quickly, making friends and finding unconditional acceptance. But gradually he discovers that for all its openness, there are mysteries at the colony, too — dangerous secrets that would give unchecked power to psi wielders if discovered. When Taemon unwittingly leaks one of these secrets, will he have the courage to repair the damage — even if it means returning to the city and facing the very people who exiled him? 

Audio CD, Unabridged, 7 pages
Published October 9th 2012 by Candlewick on Brilliance Audio (first published July 1st 2012)
Psi Chronicles #1
Fantasy Middle Grade

My thoughts:
'Another MG one, but I was really surprised when I read that this one was MG. There was violence, death, threats of violence and even a hint of a threat of sexual violence (or am i to assume that the person just wanted to kill the other person for fun which is still horrific). I get that the main character is 13 so I guess that makes it more MG then, but, since it is labelled as MG some really young readers could read it. But maybe kids these days are more used to things. Still, I would say this one is more for younger YA readers. Cos no, there is not that much violence. YA has more, but I still feel like it was a bit to dark for MG. I mean an 8 year old could read this and they just kill a kid like that and torture people so...maybe I am the only one that feels like this. It was just such a change from the other MG I just listened to.

Speech over. 11 up absolutely. Not under that. But older YA would find it too simple so yes it lies there in the shadow land of upper MG, lowerYA

Is this a fantasy world? Is it our world? No idea. I do like when things are clearer cos I always wonder. Is it dystopia? Sci-fi? Interesting mix at least. A world where a group of fanatics (yes I will call them that) left and made a mountain (why no one come over the sea and takes a look I have no idea), and then they live there using psi powers they got. Which to me seems to exhausting. They can do NOTHING by hand. Not eat, not going to the toilet I assume. NO lifting. Nothing. I wonder how they make babies, I guess they can touch then...or? Cos the kid keeps saying that no one touch each other. You do not want to know what I am thinking now. Touch is a sense. Why take away that completely?

Anyway, this kid Taemon loses his powers and is sent away. I liked him, though he really should just have killed his psycho brother. That does make it MG, he was so damn nice.

There is an evil guy who is evil and Taemon will obvi save the world.

Interesting world and a nice story, even if, I mean come on people, touch is a sense!

Narrator Nick Podehl
I liked his voice and omg the voice for Tae's sociopath of a  brother, yes he sounded evil!

Sunday, June 17

Joint Audiobook Discussion: When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

Hello all! Blodeuedd and I will be discussing "When Dimple Met Rishi" by Sandhya Menon. Blodeudd is in orange and I am in red. 

Author: Sandhya Menon
Narrator: Sandhya Menon & Sneha Mathan
Title: When Dimple Met Rishi
Genre: YA & Romance
Pages: audiobook
Published: May 30th 2017
Where I Got It: My Shelf (Freebie)

Dimple Shah has it all figured out. With graduation behind her, she’s more than ready for a break from her family, from Mamma’s inexplicable obsession with her finding the “Ideal Indian Husband.” Ugh. Dimple knows they must respect her principles on some level, though. If they truly believed she needed a husband right now, they wouldn’t have paid for her to attend a summer program for aspiring web developers…right?

Rishi Patel is a hopeless romantic. So when his parents tell him that his future wife will be attending the same summer program as him—wherein he’ll have to woo her—he’s totally on board. Because as silly as it sounds to most people in his life, Rishi wants to be arranged, believes in the power of tradition, stability, and being a part of something much bigger than himself.

The Shahs and Patels didn’t mean to start turning the wheels on this “suggested arrangement” so early in their children’s lives, but when they noticed them both gravitate toward the same summer program, they figured, Why not?

Dimple and Rishi may think they have each other figured out. But when opposites clash, love works hard to prove itself in the most unexpected ways.

Look, for June is Audiobook month Carole and I will try our first Audiobook together! We chose this one cos I had heard great things about it. And yes, it was actually that good too, at least I thought so ;)

Happy Audiobook month! And yes! I enjoyed it a lot!! Good pick ;)

We did good for once, phew! I guess this was the only good book this year then. WHat should we discuss first?

Yess the first really good one of the year so far and we are in June! WOAH! But let us see….let’s start with the narrators. We had two of them. One for Dimple’s POV and one for the cutest guy “alive”. I adored the narrators. What did you think?

Obviously I am not the person to ask, I have the BIGGEST voice crush on Vikas Adam *happy sigh* I kind of wanna make babies with his voice. There I said it. I love his voice. Love love love love it. Hihi. Ok yes I am smitten. So yes he was good, ahem.

*serious face* The other narrator whom I can not even recall the name of, sorry! But Vikas! Was good too.

Omg yes. His voice was beautiful and smexy. Hehe. He really was the best pic for our male hero. His girl voice made me chuckle though. 

I thought the same when I listened to a certain other series he narrated, and then I got used to it, but yes they are still amusing ;) I did like that they did it this way. Cos it really was HIS and HERS pov so they could not have done it any other way.

Agreed. I must listen to more by both of them. They really brought the characters alive! I did not feel like I was listening to an audiobook. It felt like I was listening to a show. So good, so good.

Then we both agree, great narration :) And sure, maybe I would have liked it as much if I read it, or maybe I would not have. I feel like the narration pushed it for me to great.

Yes. The story was good, but I feel the narration gave it an extra star for me. The story was good from page one. Those darn parents ;) I felt bad for Dimple, but she made me mad being all mean to Rishi!!!! HE IS AN ANGEL YOU WICKED WOMAN! *shakes fist*

I did wanna slap her at the end. Rishi loves you you stupid idiot! *shakes fist too* But I did like her parents, sure, it was not cool what they did, but they would never have forced her. They just tried to nudge her and it gave us the BEST opening. Omg I snorted when they met.

I did fall for her parents and especially her dad. They are just trying to help wicked Dimple. It was rude not to tell her, but they know she would’ve just said forget it. And yes, that meeting was the best in romance history. And he still wanted to stick around!!!???? Love him.

Oh yes, adore him! If I had met a Rishi, awww, a cute nerd! Gold! He tried so hard, gotta love him. I liked how he loved his own culture.

Yes, I liked that too. They are sooooo different, but so similar that they are the perfect couple. What did you think of his brother and Dimple’s roomie?

I was not sure about him at start, but then we saw this other side to him and I got him. The roomie, well I wanted to kick her too. Stupid idiot. But then I forgave her.

Agreed. A part of me thought the brother was going to fall for Dimple and Rishi would have to kick his little butt. Hehe. But yes, the roomie was sweet but blinded by lust for the “cool” kids. Sighs. Poor girl.

I did love how they called them Aberzombies (the bad peeps in the story). Hehe, cos they so were! Ugh, I hated them

Me too. They made good “baddies” though. I was hoping one of them who seemed to be not TOO bad would change sides and lead the charge against them. Not real life though. WHICH I must say...the author did a good job keeping this realistic. All the awkward 18 year old moments and dramas that seem so serious but isn’t.

It did give good normal drama. I got why the roomie wanted to be cool. It was all well written and felt real.

Yes, I understand her wanting to be friends with them. Things change out of High School...but at the same time they don’t.

I am stuck now, nothing more to say, ugh, think think…..heeeeelp!

Ooo. I was reading some reviews on Goodreads. There were some complaints about how people felt that the author didn’t spend enough time with the app and their development about it. They complained that the author glossed over it just to get to the romance parts. What do you feel? I felt it was well balanced and I came to read a romance...not a story about how to code an app….

They did not spent a lot of time on the app no, I mean they did, but not in the story. Though would we really want page after page about coding? I was fine with the romance. They still talked about it.

Yes, there was a good balance. The author would spend a couple of pages throughout the book about their class and app and whatnot. Also, this is a YA, but it never felt YA.

I guess it is NA *eyeroll* I just do not get NA! Sorry NA lovers. The edges tend to be so blurry there.


New adult. Out of HS and in the world. Which they were, but it still could be YA. But not really adult.

Ahhh I am so out of the loop sometimes...I swear I live in a cave. Hehe. But yeah...IDK. It was a good story. The ending had me mad...and then happy...but then mad again because I WANT MORE! I want a short story or maybe Rishi’s bro’s story. That would be fun.

Same. MAD, and then happy. A story about his brother, hmmm, dunno, since we know things that might happen. No surprise there for me.

I am just curious how the bro’s chica (will not give spoilers here) will fit in. I am curious about that aspect mainly. She is not someone the parent’s would’ve picked for him.

True, but then he is not really the “perfect” son either so maybe they are lenient. But yes in that way it would be interesting. But you know we would just get mad if they did not like her. Cos they like each other and they are happy so they should be happy.

I agree. I think the parents will like her after a couple of meetings...but the rest of the family? That will be a bumpy ride. Even a short story will settle my curiosity for sure.

Narrated by Vikas then sure ;)

It better be! He can play the brother. Or just do the whole narration. Haha. I would be fine with that.

Yes! Lol, are we done? Next book will suck for sure now

Don’t say thatttt!!!!!!! LOL! But yes, this was a good one and I am happy our first audiobook discussion ended well.

Yay, yes I am glad it worked out.

The end?

The end, Kaj is looking at me with narrow eyes cos he has waited for us to go grocery shopping. He skipped Coffee for it ;)

Hehehe sorrrrrrrrryyyyyy Kaj! *sips on my own coffee*

Running now, byeeeee


About the Authors
Carole and Blodeuedd have been blogging a long while now. The last couple of years the epic duo have been discussing books, watching movies, and even wetting the pen and sharing their stories with the worldwide web. They both love cats, chocolate, and a good story.