Thursday, November 7

Thursday Book Teaser: Gracianna

Happy Thursday everyone. How is everyone's week going? Mine has been sort of stressing this week. Sighs. However, things are looking up...maybe....we shall see.

For this week I'll be sharing a teaser for you from the book Gracianna by Trini Amador. 

Starting Location: Paragraph 2

"The empty bar became very quiet and, as he stood just outside the door wavering, the last two couples got up and left on cue. There were hugs and kisses from couples, and 'au reviors' and light jackets and scarves, and lights going off in the kitchen and bartenders instantly pushing glasses and cloths across clean bars, while all looked at each other to see what Gracianna would do. Within four minutes, the place was dead, with music turned down and lights lowered as well. The 'last' bartender went out as Gracianna headed to her 'office' for supplies. It was all an act. She knew her fellow resisters were still close by. 

Marceau, relieved, passed the officer coming back in as he walked out and made it clear, 'you are on your own,' as he gestured to the officer, 'no more drink.' The officer waved him off as inconsequential. Marceau just gave him the 'I'm tired, do as you wish' wave."

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