Friday, September 1

Best of August

Here are our bests of August! 

Best Movie of the Month:

"I never remember my movies but I watched this one. Fun, and cringe."

"This was SO much better than I expected. Fun!!!!"

Best Book of the Month:

"Sad to say goodbye to this series but omg this was amazing."

"I did not read a lot in August, but I did finish some good ones. Best should go to Do you want to start a Scandal cos it was funny and made me giggle."

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Heartstoper (s2), Queen Charlotte, & Lincoln Lawyer
"I finally watched Queen Charlotte! But I am bad with long eps these days. Lincoln Lawyer keeps the drama up, and Heartstopper brought all the feels."

Carole - Never Have I Ever (s4)
"Such a great ending to a fun series!! It will make you feel all the feelings."

Best Cover of the Month:

Blodeuedd's - 



Blodeuedd said...

A good month even if I did not get a lot of reading done

Jen Twimom said...

We watched Mario - it was so cute!

Carole Rae said...

B, not too shabby of a month!

Jen, it was adorbsss!