Tuesday, January 4

Best of the Year with Blodeuedd & Carole

Welcome to the BC Awards!!! Blodeuedd and Carole will be presenting awards to their favorites of 2021! 

Best Movie:

Blodeuedd's pick......DUNE

"Best movie of the year is Dune! Omg amazing and beautiful."

Carole's pick.......Fatherhood (2021)

"This has everything. Humor, tears, and joy. A must-watch."

Best Show:

Carole's pick.....Bridgerton (Season 1)

"This wins! I had a lot of shows I fell for this year, but this one takes the cake."

Blodeuedd's pick.....Shadow and Bone (Season 1)

"Who cares about whatever her name was, I can not even remember cos Ben Barnes people, Ben Barnes! OMG"

Best Book Cover:

Blodeuedd's pick.....Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

"Prettiest cover!"

"Had a lot of goodies....but this is the most stunning methinks."

Best Book:
Blodeuedd's pick...........
Circe by Madeline Miller

"Best book of the year goes to Circe by Madeline Miller. I thought I knew Circe, I did not"

Carole's pick........Paris in Ruins by M.K. Tod

"This was a captivating story. It for sure is worth the read!"

Best Re-Read: 

Carole's pick......Persuasion by Jane Austen

"My favorite Austen forever. I loved the audio version just as much! This performance was fantastic!"

"Oops, I am doing it again, but I am re-listening to Heartstrikers by Rachel Aaron, and if I have to choose the best audio I have to go with Vikas Adam!"

And that is the end of the BC Awards. I am excited to see what 2022 has in store for us!!


  1. Indeed my friend! Hoping 2022 goes well!

  2. Yea for great books and movies! I never did watch Bridgerton - but maybe someday.

  3. Jen, it was for sure! Awww someday! I'll let you know how season 2 goes when it comes out ;)

  4. Fun to see this. Now, I'm curious about Paris in Ruins.


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)