Thursday, October 5

Best of September 2017

Hi All! Happy September! 

This is just a fun little meme that Blodeuedd and I are going to try  and do once a month. Give a little shout-out and "badge" of honor to our favorite book and movie of the previous month. This month we'll share our favorites of September.

First, favorite movie:

Blodeuedd selected..............Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

"As for movie, blergh, nothing amazing this month either. What do even mention? Honestly, I was watching the beginning for Transformers 3 one day and why not, best movie of the month! It is only the millionth time I have seen parts of it"

Now, my choice for the month is........................Annabelle (2014)

"There was no competition this month. I had no choice BUT to pick this one. SO scary! It was so scary BF and I had to sleep with the lights on. That doll....*shudders*....creepy and scary. This was so good though! If you like scary movies this will get you in some way shape or form. That dang doll *shudders and hides under blanket*"

Now, favorite book:

First, here is my pick.................................Dark Mafia Prince by Annika Martin

"Honestly...I didn't at all expect to like this book as much as I did. It was an Amazon freebie...and at best I thought it would just be okay. However, I was wrong...I LOVED this book. The characters were complex and the story even more complex. Plus that  cover and Aleksio? He can kidnap me anytime. haha."

Now, here is B's choice this month.................Asking for it by Louisa O'Neill

"Another audiobook is getting best book! This one was so good, sad and just FUCK I HATE YOU ALL! Damn humans, damn men, boys, women, girl, damn you all for putting this girl through this. Yes it made me angry and I can still hear her thoughts in my head. This is a must read."

About the Authors
Carole and Blodeuedd have been blogging a long while now. The last couple of years the epic duo have been discussing books, watching movies, and even wetting the pen and sharing their stories with the worldwide web. They both love cats, chocolate, and a good story.


What was your favorite book of the month? Please share below! 


  1. I think my best book of September may have been The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. I'm trying to remember what movies I watched and I can't think of any, so no "best" there.

  2. B, lol!

    Carol, good choice! I heard that one was a good one!


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)