Tuesday, April 4

Best of March 2017 - Movies and Books

Hi All! Happy April! 

This is just a fun little meme that Blodeuedd and I are going to try  and do once a month. Give a little shout-out and "badge" of honor to our favorite book and movie of the previous month. This month we'll share our favorites of March

First, favorite movie:

For March, Blodeuedd's pick....................Pete's Dragon (2016)

"I think the honor of best movie of the month goes to Pete's Dragon. The reason being that I sobbed through that whole movie. OH how I cried. Floods of tears I tell you. So it sure brought out emotions."

Now, my pick is...................Beauty and the Beast (2017)

"This was a no-brainer for me. I watched this twice and I can't wait for it to go to DVD. This was simply magical and beautiful. The cast was good and the story itself did well to balance the old story and new twists. See it. So wonderful."

Now, favorite book:

First, here is my pick.................................The Ugly Teapot by Fred Holmes

"Oh boy...I had a hard time picking one for March. Nothing super great. I'll pick the most interesting which was The Ugly Teapot. Yes, it good...not great, but it was by far the most interesting book I read. Great ending, intriguing story-line, and it makes you think. "

Bloeduedd's pick is ..................................Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

"Best book of the month was tricky because I have read some great ones. But Howl's Moving Castle stood out for being so charming and I just felt like everyone could enjoy it. Old as young."


What was your favorite book of the month? Please share below! 


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)