Thursday, April 20

Audiobook Review: A Dragon of a Different Color by Rachel Aaron

Author: Rachel Aaron
Narrator: Vikas Adam
Title: A Dragon of a Different Color
Series: Heartstrikers #4
Genre: UF, Fantasy, Paranormal, YA 
Format: Audiobook
Pages: 512
Published:  July 28, 2017
Where I got It: My shelf (Birthday gift)

To save his family from his tyrannical mother, Julius had to step on a lot of tails. That doesn’t win a Nice Dragon many friends, but just when he thinks he’s starting to make progress, a new threat arrives.

Turns out, things can get worse. Heartstriker hasn’t begun to pay for its secrets, and the dragons of China are here to collect. When the Golden Emperor demands his surrender, Julius will have to choose between loyalty to the sister who's always watched over him and preserving the clan he gave everything to protect.

Finally diving into book 4. Got sidetracked by other books, plus....I'm getting sad the series is nearly over. 

We continue on Julius' journey to make his clan better. He has had to step on a lot of tails, but he has made a lot of allies too. A new threat arrives though so things are about to get a whole lot worse. Heartstriker has more secrets to pay and the China dragons have come to collect and demand their surrender.

Awwww Julius....Marci....Bob! Chelsea! SOBS! I can't believe there is only one book left after this!

We picked up right after book 2 ended. Lots of crazy things have happened. Eeee I don't want to spoil anything. But things go from bad to worse. Julius will have to face the Golden Emperor. Marci will have to face....stuff. There is a lot going on and everyone and everything is at risk. 

I really, really enjoyed this one. I wish there had been more Justin though! Sobs! Love him! I'm sure he'll be back in with a vengeance in the last one, but I missed him. 

There was a lot of talking in this one. I was happy we got to learn a LOT, but sometimes some scenes felt a little stretched out. 

The narrator has returned and he is still amazing. Perfect voices for these characters. I couldn't imagine anyone else. 

In the end, I wanted more Justin, but we got to meet a lot of new characters SO it makes sense some other sides had to take to the bench. Other than that I adored this. We got to learn so much and so many questions have been answered. The ending has me itching for the new book, but I want to hold out a bit since it is the final book. Eeeek! Things are all coming to a head that is for sure. But yesssss this was great. 4 stars from me. 

- #18 for Audiobook challenge


  1. Wow you really want more Justin

  2. You were reading this at nearly the same time I was buddy reading it with Jen. We really enjoyed it too. I love Julius, Marcy, Chelsea and Amelia! Justin huh? I was glad to see Bethseda stuck sealed. There were parts though which we felt were overly long on magic explanations or repetitive dialogue. Overall I loved it too.

    After this series, there is the DFZ series. Also she is starting a new series in this world with the first book on May 2, 2023!!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Oh your review makes me want to read this one now.

  4. B, Justin is my fave.

    Anne, how fun!! Gotta love it when others read at the same time. I can see how overly long explanations could be tedious. I'm sure if I had read the book instead of the audio I would've wanted to skim. It did get a little long-winded.

    Mary, ;)

  5. I just listened to this one, too. I plan to read the final one in May.

  6. I was thinking May or June for me.


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