Thursday, March 9

Book Review: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Author: Rachel Hollis
Title: Girl Wash Your Face
Genre: Self-help, Nonfiction, & Memoir 
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 240 
Published: February 6, 2018
Where I Got It: My shelf (Book Depository)

Founder of the lifestyle website and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice.

Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.

From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son's request that she buy a necklace to "be like the other moms," Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.

Recently, I joined a new little book club that is trying to get off the ground. The current theme is self-help books. We each pick a book and pass it around. So, in theory, later this month I should be borrowing a book from someone else while they borrow this. I am excited! Curious to see how this book club goes! I picked this one because I have heard non-stop good things....even my BFF has this on her I figured it was time to check it out. 

This is written by Rachel Hollis who has a lifestyle website, is a CEO, and has written books in the past. This book goes over life, love, body-issues, motherhood, and so much more. 

Sooooooooooooo I avoided GR reviews because there is a def a split with half loving this...and half hating this book. I wanted to read this and not have their voices/words in my head to make me biased. I suggest you do the same. 

There were some really impactful sections and quotes that really hit my soul. There were some moments where I had to stop and really think about it. She talks about mental health issues, working on boundaries, setting realistic goals, never giving up, working hard, negative self-talk, therapy, trauma, and even body issues. 

There is a religious tone here and there, but, for me, it was honestly easy to ignore. Some of the quotes and life lessons were super relevant to drive a certain point home. It never felt preachy or that she was saying Christianity is the only way. Which I highly appreciate! 

Now...there was one part that really bugged me about her view on losing weight and whatnot. She made it so simple...too simple....just eat less and eat healthy. Boom. You'll drop weight and you will be healthy. You shouldn't eat anything bad because you need to take care of yourself. Sure...she is not 100% wrong and I can agree on some of her viewpoints! Eat good and take care of yourself. You owe it to yourself to treat yourself right. However, losing weight or gaining weight is not that black-and-white.

Now, I will applaud how she really promotes therapy. That is just so important.. Even if you had a perfect childhood and never had anything bad happen to you ever, I'm sure there is SOMETHING to talk about and work through. Therapy is a fantastic tool for deep issues or just day-to-day issues. I am so glad she kept saying it. 

But yes, this was a quick and easy read. I was able to finish this in just a couple of sittings. I did go back and re-read a few parts since I wanted to take notes for the book club coming up at the end of the month. She is funny and I enjoyed her writing style. This is def a good book if you want something not crazy involved for a self-help.

There are some good quotes! Like, "...the gift of life is that we get another chance tomorrow." Or "This is your life. You are meant to be the hero of your own story." OR, my personal fave, "SOMEONE ELSE'S OPINION OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS!" Some good gems FOR SURE.

In the end, I enjoyed this. It was good. It had some good things you can put in your back-pocket. Some good tips to navigate this wild thing called life. I had one big hiccup, but everyone is allowed their own opinion. I'll give this 3 stars. 


  1. At first I thought this was a fiction story, then I went back up and realized it's not!

  2. Oh yes I heard a lot about this one. I followed her at her beginning

  3. Jen, yep! It's based on her life and etc.

    Melliane, this is the first I heard about her. Now I should follow her stuff!

  4. I can¨´t say I am rushing out to get it, I am feeling meh

  5. I wasn't either but bc of this new book club I decided to just pick it. Glad I did. I enjoyed it. :)

  6. Self-help is a reading category I've not read much from. Wouldn't say I avoid it, but I never want to pick one up, either. However, your new unique book club does sound like it has an interesting twist on book club so I hope it goes well.

  7. I try to read one or two a year. I'm curious to see how this new book club goes. This is the first round/ we shall see.


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