Thursday, April 28

Audiobook Review: When Christmas Lights are Blue by Harper Fox

Author: Harper Fox
Narrator: Tim Gilbert
Title: When Christmas Lights are Blue
Genre: LGBT, Paranormal, Contemporary, Romance
Format: Audibook
Published: December 16th 2016
Where I got It: Audible 

Rob and Karan are a great couple, but they’re tearing apart under the pressures of modern life. They both work as paramedics for the NHS, and just before Christmas, their plans for the future are in jeopardy.
Rob knows he’s on thin ice with the man he loves more than anyone else in the world, and he’s at a loss to fix it. The job is getting tougher, and Karan, who’s of Sikh descent, is facing violence on the streets in the wake of Britain’s decision to leave the EU. Financial problems, hostile families on both sides... Their troubles seem insoluble.
An emergency callout stops them on the brink of a final and heartbreaking row. In a forest on the bleak northern hills, Rob loses control of the van in the snow. The only gleam of light comes from a strange, lonely house among the trees. Lost, cut off from the world they know, can they find their way back to one another? It’s the longest night of the year, and spirits are abroad among the pines...

Randomly stumbled upon this while looking for something else on Audible and decided since it was a short story to give it a listen. 

Here we follow Rob and Karan. They seem to be perfect as a couple, but they're being torn apart under the pressures of modern life and their job. They both work as paramedics for the NHS. Rob knows he's on the thin ice with the man he loves and he's at a loss on how to fix it. An emergency callout stops them on the brink of a final and heartbreaking row. On the way, Rob loses control of the van in the snow. They find themselves cut off from the world and in a tiny house. It's the longest night of the year and maybe they will have a Christmas miracle.

I had no idea there was going to be a supernatural/paranormal element so that was a nice cherry-on-top. And the "big" reveal was fantastic. I had a tear for sure.

You can't help but want to root for Rob and Karan. They really are perfect for each other but there has been so much sadness and words left unsaid. From their crappy family members to racism hurting Karan. 

I loved watching them relive their relationship. Seeing the happy times, but also the events that caused such strife between the two. The littlest moments can cause huge cracks later on. But I loved how they could find their ways back to each other. No spoiler there since this IS a romance ;) 

The narrator was good. I've heard him before I believe. The accents seemed spot on. 

Overall, this was quick but impactful. It broke my heart seeing their issues, but I was so happy when they finally were able to talk and find their love again. I'll give this 5 stars.   

- #20 for Audiobook challenge
- #16 for Romance Reading Challenge - Xmas Setting


  1. I wouldn't have looked closer to the book because of the cover but I'm glad it was good

  2. Same. The cover was not what drew me in. Something about that title and then the summary caught me!

  3. Another one here for looking at that cover and would have turned away

  4. I nearly scrolled away myself but I'm glad I gave it a chance.


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