Thursday, November 18

Book Review: Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh

Author: Nalini Singh
Title: Mine to Possess
(Psy-Changeling #4)
Genre: UF, Paranormal Romance, SciFi, Fantasy
Format: ebook
Pages: 328
Published: February 5th 2008
Where I Got It: Borrowed from library

Clay Bennett is a powerful DarkRiver sentinel, but he grew up in the slums with his human mother, never knowing his changeling father. As a young boy without the bonds of Pack, he tried to stifle his animal nature. He failed . . . and committed the most extreme act of violence, killing a man and losing his best friend, Talin, in the bloody aftermath. Everything good in him died the day he was told that she, too, was dead.

Talin McKade barely survived a childhood drenched in bloodshed and terror. Now a new nightmare is stalking her life—the street children she works to protect are disappearing and turning up dead. Determined to keep them safe, she unlocks the darkest secret in her heart and returns to ask the help of the strongest man she knows . . .

Clay lost Talin once. He will not let her go again, his hunger to possess her, a clawing need born of the leopard within. As they race to save the innocent, Clay and Talin must face the violent truths of their past . . . or lose everything that ever mattered.

Couldn't wait to read this next one. I had to take a mini break from the series since I have so many others to read, but I've been curious about this one since it's about Clay. 

We follow Clay who is a powerful DarkRiver sentinel, but he is also half human. He grew up in the slums with his human mother and never knew his changeling father. As a young boy without the bonds of Pack, he tried to stifle his animal nature....but he failed. He killed a man trying to save his best friend Talin. In the process he lost her too and he went to jail. Talin barely survived a terrible childhood and losing her best friend. She is grown up now and spending her life saving street children. However, there is something dark taking these children and killing them. Determined to keep them safe, she reaches out to Clay who thought she had died years ago. The two will have to work with each other to save these kids and deal with the violent truths of their past. 

This one was pretty dark. Talin and Clay had terrible childhoods. It made me sad for both of them. They are both damaged...especially Talin. So freakin' sad. 

I'll admit....I struggled with this book. I had such a hard time. They were so toxic with each other at the beginning and I didn't see this relationship work. There are old hurts and Talin was scared of Clay and she still has her unresolved childhood trauma to work through. All very toxic at first. 

Of COURSE they battle through and they have their HEA (duh), but I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I honestly think they needed to walk away from each other...get therapy....and maybe then? I would've sided with the other women of the pack and not really been happy with them being together at first. Eventually they start trusting each other and begin to heal....but it took SO long. Too long. 

I will say it was a nice break to get away from the Psy drama. Talin is human and he is changeling. It was a nice break. Psy are SOOOO emotionless and so cold at first. It was nice to see all these emotions that the two have to dig through.

So yes, love-hate relationship with this story for me. 

The side mystery with the kids was entertaining! I had to know what was going to happen. Is it bad that I wanted that to be the main focus here?

I also am seeing hope for the Psy race. There are some lights of goodness and feelings popping through. Makes me happy. Soon! 

Overall, I struggled at the beginning because of how toxic I felt the couple was. Things got better and I enjoyed the side mystery. I was so worried for those kids. I'll give this 2 stars overall. Not my favorite, but still enjoyable. Can't wait for the next one!


  1. I have a book in this series but I've never tried it yet

  2. I remember there are a couple from early on that I didn't enjoy as much as the others... but never a "2". lol. My favorite are the Changeling-Changeling pairings.

  3. Melliane, I love this series overall so far. Just this one was rough-ish.

    Jen, I think I like human-changeling and changeling-changeling couples better. This one....just didn't work for me as much as the others in the series for some reason.

  4. I've been doing Anne's readalong of this series as a re-read with the audio versions. I found it interesting that this book was a mixed feeling one for me both times. I thought their issues at first and for a while were not fun to read so I struggled with the romance in this one, too.

  5. There are some I never had the chance to read, I wonder if this was one of those

  6. Sophia, maybe the narrated version would've been better ;)

    B, IDK! I feel like you did read this one...who can remember tho there are so many LOL


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