Saturday, March 21

Movie Review: The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018)

The Spy Who Dumped Me PosterFilm Title: The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018)
Length:    1h 57min
Released:    3 August 2018 (USA)
Genre:  Action, Adventure, Comedy
Rating: R
Where I Got It: HULU


Audrey and Morgan are best friends who unwittingly become entangled in an international conspiracy when one of the women discovers the boyfriend who dumped her was actually a spy.



I've had this on my "to-watch" list for a while now. Finally, I decided to clean house and watch it. 

The story follows Audrey and Morgan who are best friends. They unwittingly become entangled in an international conspiracy when Audrey discovers the boyfriend who dumped her was actually a spy.

What a hoot. I felt bad for Audrey and Morgan who just want normal lives. Dang, that boyfriend! I would be so p-oed. If you are a spy you need to tell the person you are with or...say you work for the government. Or something. GAH. Communication is vital. 

This was funny. But realistic funny. Sure, some silly scenes of course, but I liked it. Morgan was a hoot. She was over-the-top, but I would love for her to be my friend!! 

I was meh about the little romance there. He was hot, but meh. 

I did not like the twist at the end. I don't fully even understand it or how it was possible...or even necessary to the plot. Meh. 

Overall, this was a nice and funny film that I recommend to forget about all the problems the world is going through. A couple things I was meh about, but overall I enjoyed it. I want to make BF watch it. It is action-packed and humor-packed. I'll give this 3 stars. 


  1. It went under the radar I think.

  2. Glad your cleaning shop turned out to be a fun pick. Love that they are best friends in a spy caper.

  3. Nice review. I watched it a while back, and remembered I liked it but didn't love it. Now I'm trying to remember what this twist was - did it have to do with the boyfriend? That's probably why I didn't love it. haha.

  4. I remember watching this one a while back, liking but not loving it. Probably because of whatever the twist was at the end - I don't recall, but maybe something to do with the boyfriend? Thanks for the review.

  5. B, yess it was missing something

    Sophia, I have so more on my tw list.

    Jen, hehehe yess that whole BF thing. Not crazy about that.


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