Tuesday, November 12

Time for TV Tuessday: Versailles (Season 3)

Recently Finished:

Through: Netflix

Image result for versailles season 3

I've delayed season 3 for a little bit. Not sure why. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it? Finally decided it was time. 

The first 2 seasons you felt like you had to side with the King. This season though? Not so much. He has flipped to being a huge dictator and asshole overall. He is more paranoid. More cruel to everyone. The other nobles and the people. I blame that new mistress of his. Grrrr. 

But yes, this shows the darker side of his rule. We get to see more of the peasants which was fun. We also get to see the mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask. That was fun! I was hopeful they would cover this. I was honestly shocked at what they did! I thought they were going to do some of the classic theories. I won't say what it is. No spoilers here. ;) It added a whole new complex to the characters for sure. 

I still love Marchal. :3 They added a layer of complexity behind him too and that made him better as a character. 

There was a lot more character development in this. I think that is why I really did like this season. Everyone gets a layer added and this really showed the good and the bad and how nothing is simply black and white. Life is grey even in the shimmer French court. 

This season did make me mad a lot. I was so mad at everyone especially the King. I wanted someone to just shake him. The brother was busy doing his own thing to not really stand his ground and fight his brother back on these decisions. I was highly disappointed in the brother. I get it...he had a big mystery to uncover and he didn't want to deal with the King. You can't blame him...but I was disappointed in him but it all worked out. 

Those poor peasants! D: I felt so bad for them. I even felt for the Nobles. They all were treated like shit. 

Season 3 really did make us question everything and everyone. I liked it a lot. Not as good as the last season, but I think this wanted to focus and make you remember the good and bad of EVERYONE. 

I'll give this 4 stars. 


  1. I haven't tried this TV show bt maybe I should

  2. My list on Netflix is so super long, that I know I'll never get to this, but I heard it was really good. Great review! Hugs, RO

  3. Pile on the development! I do like that shows with longer season runs can do this if only they all would.
    You have me curious about the Man in the Iron Mask storyline.
    Glad you enjoyed it over all.

  4. I wonder how they dealt with the iron mask now

  5. Ro, you never know! Some day! :D

    Sophia, yesss pile it on! Make these guys dynamic as they get older. It was a good one!

    B, hehehehe. I won't tell ;)


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