Thursday, March 14

DNF: The Loop by Nicholas Evans

The LoopAuthor: Nicholas Evans
Title: The Loop
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Pages: 434 
Published: 1998
Where I Got It: My shelf (Free book in Free Book Bin in downtown Linden, MI)

From the author of "The Horse Whisperer" comes a breathtaking story of love, family and man's relationship with the natural world, set against the epic grandeur of the American West. The story surrounds wolf biologist Helen Ross who comes to the ranching town of Hope, Montana, to protect the wolves from those seeking their destruction.

Oh no...oh no. *looks around Goodreads* Oh no. All the amazing reviews!!!!! 

Sooooo the story follows Helen Ross who is a wolf biologist and her goal is to save the wolves and maybe find love. But overall...wolves are her thing. 

I tried SOOO HARD. I really did. For all those reviewers who adored this book. I really did try. I started reading this Feb 17. It took nearly a month for me to finally just set the book down and move on. 

This is my 2nd book by this author and alas, the other one I skimmed through like a pool skimmer. Maybe it is the author? Maybe the author and I don't click? It's not that the writing style is bad, but I just cannot get myself to care about the people. 

I liked the wolves and I hope Helen saves them. But I cannot read on. 

DNF. The first and hopefully the only one of the year! *fingers crossed*


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)