Monday, March 12

Blodeuedd's Monday Review: No Earls Allowed by Shana Galen

Lady Juliana, daughter of the Earl of St. Maur, needs all the help she can get. She's running a ramshackle orphanage, London's worst slumlord has illicit designs on her, and her father has suddenly become determined to marry her off. Enter Major Neil Wraxall, bastard son of the Marquess of Kensington, sent to assist Lady Juliana in any way he can. Lucky for her, he's handy with repairs, knows how to keep her and the orphans safe, and is a natural leader of men. Unfortunately for both of them, the scandal that ensues from their mutual attraction is going to lead them a merry dance . . . 

Audio CD, 10 h
Published March 6th 2018 by Tantor Audio
The Survivors #2
Historical romance
For review

My thoughts
These poor war heroes. They certainly do not seem themselves as heroes, and the turn has come to Neil. The man who gave the orders and now he blames himself for the death of his men. Drinking himself to death and having nightmares. Luckily his dad sends him on a new mission (oh and yes he is a bastard so he has issues with that too.)

Juliana was, oh well, yes girl power and all that, but omg woman, you are taking over an orphanage in the slums, please have some backup! I would be scared. While she was all, I can do that! Kudos for that, but scary! And yes there is this guy after her too. But then again, she cares not for reputation or anything else. All she wants to do is take care of these orphans and try and get some order. I did like her, even if I did want her to take Neil's help and not be so stubborn ;)

Oh and why are there always boys? I never come across any orphanages with girls. But the boys were fun and I liked how the interacted with Neil.

The house is falling apart. The boys are running wild. There is no one except for Julia there. There is a creepy crimelord around. Neil has his hands full. And they also have time to fall in love (and they are both virgins ;) I just had to add that.)

Sweet with danger and rats!

Victoria Aston
I like her voices for everyone. She works excellent for historical romance and it's fun listening to.
I am there in the moment and it sure makes for fun audio. Romance was made for it.

Cover thoughts.
Makes no sense. A country estate? A ball gown? Sure she attends like 3 functions but most of the book takes place in the orphanage


  1. I enjoyed a few of her novels but I would be curious to try more

  2. Both virgins. I like that. It's different.

  3. I don’t know about all those rats running around. Eww.

  4. The rats were pets ;) But yes still rats

  5. not persuaded and the cover is pretty lame ;p


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