Tuesday, January 9

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Goals for 2018

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

Goals for 2018
Oooooooooooo goals. I am so bad at these!

READING GOALS: I know for sure I want to read 108 books this year. Don’t judge me on my odd number of books ;). My secret goal is for 110 books, but I don’t have faith in myself. I start the challenge SO strong, but I fall apart during the summer. Luckily I won’t have school or moving to hinder me. Hopefully this will be the first year where I literally have NO excuses to slack in my reading or posting on my blog. Which brings me to my next goal.

BLOG GOALS: I plan to try and post more frequently this year! Usually I would go through posting a lot to posting once a week. The goal for this year is to have a post at least 6 days out of the 7 days of the week. One day during the week I may take a breather and not post anything. Ideally I would like a daily post of my randomness…but let’s take some baby steps. Maybe 2019 we can up the goal!

MOVIE GOALS: I want to at least watch one movie a week and have a review for it. Last year I went through bursts. Watching a lot…then nothing for days. One movie a week is my goal! If I can get two I would take a shot of whiskey in celebration. 

AUDIOBOOK GOALS: Here is a rough one I have always struggled with. This year I want to listen to at least 2 audiobooks. So far I have already listened to one. This is a very doable goal for some, but for me? I struggle. I have a hard time finding audios and if the narrator is boring I for sure skip it and read the book myself. So we shall! I would faint if I listen to more than 2 this year!! Again..baby steps. Maybe 2019 I can push that number up a hair. We shall see. 

PERSONAL LIFE GOALS: I would like to say I want to lose more weight. But the number doesn’t bug me anymore. I just want to be healthier. Now that we have our own house, we are making our own little gym in the tool shed. So far we have weights, weighted-jump rope, and a punching bag. I’m currently saving money for an elliptical for me. My goal for this year is to work out at least 2 times a week. I don’t see this happening until I get my elliptical, so I will be nice to myself until I get that. For now, I’ll just walk and maybe punch on the punching bag and do a couple of weights here and there.  

Another goal I have is to be more artisy-craftsy once we are done unpacking and decorating the house (I need to see what we really need). I am inspired by my friend, Ciri (one of her painting is actually the header I now use for my blog). She is so awesome at making things for her house. She inspired me SO much that I actually went to a work function after work. We went to Painting with a Twist and we painted a portrait. Sure we were guided by a professional, but I ended up being SO proud of my work. It is currently up at my house. It is Christmas-y, so when I take down my decorations that will be packed away until next year. That experience made me I want to do more! This includes writing more too. Maybe I’ll share some of my stuff I make or stuff I write in the future! Below is the portrait that I did. #iamproud


  1. Good luck with your goals - a private gym sounds groovy!

  2. I will def make you listen to more than two!

    Also, one movie a week sounds awesome. This week I watched Kubo and the two strings


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