Monday, April 20

Blodeuedd Reviews: Ruthless Heart by Emma Lang

He led her astray, and she never wanted to go back. . .Sheltered all her life, Eliza Hunter never imagined herself alone in the vast Utah plains, much less trailing a mysterious, rugged man hired to hunt down her beautiful younger sister. Unable to reveal the truth about her pursuit of him, Eliza plays student to his teacher, transforming herself in the process. And when she finds herself sharing the warmth of Grady's campfire, wrapped in his arms, hypnotized by his power, soon she is a naïve spinster no more. . .Grady Wolfe is more than a loner, he's a man forever on the run. With a body and soul finely honed from living off the land, Grady knows he should leave the irresistible woman alone, but she stirs something in him he hasn't felt before. Now he's lost in the woods for the first time in his life--with a dangerous job to do. And no one--not even the luscious Eliza--is going to stop him. . .

My thoughts:
*coughs* Too much smexy times. Haha, yes that got your attention didn't it. So yes if you want your historical with lots of passion then this is the book for you. For me, eh, if I have read one scene I have read them all, I do not need several pages, and then again, and then again. I want to see them fall in love instead. But they wanted to do it like rabbits.

Great and now I forgot his name..Grady? *checks* Ok yes Grady is a bounty hunter, bad and bad. Eliza is a mormon who runs away after her sister runs away, and since Grady is the one after her sister...well she just tags along and he lets her..right. But then she does have lovely breasts as he likes to tell her a lot. And the money he spends on her, yikes, are you made of money!?

Eliza was a bit naive, but duh! She was raised that away.
Grady was tough and yes I did like that he showed it. He is not nice. Even if I would have kicked him in the nuts after a certain thing but still....

It was a good book, I could have done with less passion and more on the trail though. They were somewhere? What? She did skinnydip. That is all I learned about nature. I am in such a mood today. Yes smexy scenes bore me. There I said it. Whatever.

Kindle Edition, 273 pages
Published July 1st 2010 by Kensington Books
Heart #1
Historic al romance


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