Friday, January 23

FitReaders Week #4

This challenge is organized by Geeky Blogger's Book Blog & That’s What I’m Talking About

Saturday: 2 mile walk
Sunday:    2.5 mile walk & 10 mins weights 
Monday:  1 mile bike, .50 walk/jog, & 5 mins weights
Tuesday: 1.5 mile walk 
Wednesday: 1 mile walk
Thursday:  30 mins Zumba & 15 mins yoga
Friday:  1 mile walk
Conclusion: Not bad this week! I plan on doing the water-to-drink-only diet again for Monday and Tuesday. :) I think it really helped and I felt like a million bucks when I did it a couple weeks ago. :) It's a good way to clean out your system. I haven't gone on the scale in a week or so, but I feel better and I think I may have lost another lb or two...but I prolly gained it back last night after I gorged myself on Tai food and a frape mocha from McDonalds (I needed it haha). Below I am going to share a before and after pic of me (I don't take a lot of full pictures of myself), but I will post them every week. It motivates me. 

(The right) *Before* This was 44 lbs ago. 

Feeling good about myself this week. I still am amazed about how different I look after losing 44 lbs.  *After pic*


  1. You did great this week! And congratulations on your weight loss! You look great and good luck with the water-to-drink only. I drink mainly water but when I slip and drink Coke I can't stop! It's so hard to stay away from soda lol. Have a great week!

  2. I would give into Tai food too! You're doing fantastic. Lots of walking!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. Great work, Carole!! Keep it up! I know what you mean about needing a mocha frappe -- I had to have one today too.

  4. Losing 44 Ib is a great achievement - you rock (and look pretty!)

  5. Kathy, thanks! I did drop pop 5 years ago. It was the hardest thing ever. Even harder then stopping smoking!

    Karen, thankies! Tai is too good

    Diana, thankies! Yes Mochas are too die for.

    B, it cleanses out your system and I feel sooooo good afterwards.

    Ana, thanks! *blushes*

  6. You had a great week! I mainly drink water all day and then my tea. Occasionally I splurge and have a Chai Latte from Starbucks but try to do that only once or twice a week!

  7. Kristin, I mainly drink water, flavored water, some no sugar juices, milk, and the occasional bad drink from Starbucks or MciDs.


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