Tuesday, May 7

Movie Review: OZ, The Great and Powerful

Length: 2 hours & 7 mins
Released: March 8, 2013
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Rating: PG
Directed By: Sam Raimi
Where I Got It: watched at movie theater

Disney's fantastical adventure "Oz The Great and Powerful," directed by Sam Raimi, imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum's beloved wizard character. When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he's hit the jackpot-fame and fortune are his for the taking-that is until he meets three witches, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone's been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity-and even a bit of wizardry-Oscar transforms himself not only into the great wizard but into a better man as well. When small-time magician Oscar Diggs (James Franco) pulls one flimflam too many, he finds himself hurled into the fantastical Land of Oz where he must somehow transform himself into the great wizard-and just maybe into a better man as well.

Oz, The Wizard - James Franco
Theodora/Wicked Witch of the West - Mila Kunis
Evanora - Rachel Weisz
Annie/Glinda - Michelle Williams
Frank/Finley - Zach Braff
Mast Tinker - Bill Cobbs
Girl in Wheelchair/China Girl - Joey King
Knuck - Tony Cox
Winkie General - Stephen R. Hart
May - Abigail Leigh Spencer
Winkie Gate Keeper - Bruce Campbell



Gah I had this all typed up and ready to go and I forgot to publish this. >.< Whoops.


I am SO glad I went and seen this in theaters. I didn't see it in 3D, because I loath 3D movies (they give me extreme headaches and makes my left eye twitch). The art and the effects were mind blowing. Every detail was beautiful and it reminded me the old world from the original...but more enhanced and more realistic. Like the digital camera was sent and taken pictures. Fabulous. Fabulous.

Also, the outfits were AMAZING! Being one who did outfits for plays I always pay close attention the the outfits and costumes. These were beautiful. Just lovely. They deserve an Oscar. Absolutely stunning.

The acting and screen writing was decent and it had that feeling of the old movie. I feel happy and content with this "prologue". Its a nice twist and I believe the original creator would be pleased as well. 

In the end, I adored this movie. I can't give too much away because I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it. The acting, screen writing, and plot were great. The visual effects and costume designs BLEW my mind. Those were my two favorite things. I advise NOT to see this in 3D. I feel like it would take away from the magic of the film. I then recommend this to those that loved the original movie 'The Wizard of Oz'. This compliments it nicely. Overall, I stamp this with 5 stars.

Favorite Character(s): The Wizard (even though he was a womanizer), Theodra (Mila Kunis did a fantastic job; I felt bad for the poor chit), Glinda (and why wouldn't you? She's the good witch!), and Frank the monkey (so cute, so funny).
Not-so Favorite Character(s): China Girl (annoying voice actress and the character was stupid...sorry)



  1. I hate 3D too, honestly I do not know anyone who likes it

  2. Exactly! I don't know ANYONE who likes them or loves them. >.> Such a waste of money in my opinion to not only create 3D stuff, but to go to the theater and spend that extra money.

  3. Nice review Carole. Don’t expect to see the classic in top-form, just expect to see something like it, be happy, click your ruby slippers three times, and have a grand time. That’s what happened to me.

  4. I liked the movie a lot too. I did see it in 3D, and it was better than some 3D I've been to.

    I loved Evanora's nails. They were so awesome! So don't feel bad about noticing costumes, I noticed nails!

  5. I heard a couple others say the same thing. Oh man! Don't feel bad! I LOVED her nails too. :)


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