Sunday, October 28

Movie Review: Magic Mike

Length: 1 hour & 50 minutes
Released: June 29, 2012
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Biography sort of, and Romance
Rating: R (pervasive sexual content, brief graphic nudity, language, and drug use)

Directed By: Steven Soderbergh
Where I Got It: Seen it in theaters twice

SUMMARY: Set in the world of male strippers, Magic Mike is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum in a story inspired by his real life. The film follows Mike (Tatum) as he takes a young dancer called The Kid (Pettyfer) under his wing and schools him in the fine arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money



Magic Mike - Channing Tatum (The Vow)
Adam, The Kid - Alex Pettyfer (I am Number Four, Beastly)
Dallas - Matthew McConaughey (Wedding Planner, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days)
Ken - Matt Bomer (White Collar)
Joanna - Olivia Munn (Robot Chicken)
Brooke - Cody Horn (Twelve, White Collar)

Okay, confession time....I did not go to see this movie for the story-line. That is why I have neglected to write a review for this, because I didn't feel right writing a review. However, I seen this movie twice, so seeing the lovely abs didn't have me drooling as much. Oh I drooled, but I could focus on what was going on that was plot-related. Hahaha. 

Anyways, the cast of men were wonderful, except for "Tarzan"...he grossed me out and his part in the movie was so limited that I don't see why they bothered having him in the movie. Sorry....but the casting was great and the acting was great. However, Brooke/Cody Horn bored me too death with her monotone voice. *eye twitches* The dancing is acting, but I must make special note of was AWESOME! They cut out a lot of the dance numbers, which upset me immensely. However, I shall rent the un-directors' cut to see those extra dance scenes. ^.^

There was a plot. *gasps*

 I know I know! How insane is that? It was rather silent but it was there. Many think it was "weak", but I think that most people couldn't focus on the plot. I will admit that it was....not played out well enough. The editing was horrible to say the least. Scenes seemed out of place and just sloppily thrown together. On the brightside though, I loved the theme and the meaning behind the movie. It was subtle but it was there. It took a long time to establish what that meaning was and what the viewer should gain from the film. 

In the end, this was a movie that 99.9999999% of the viewers went to see the hot men dance around and be strippers. However, if you could focus then you would notice the plot and the theme. Even though the theme wasn't presented how I would present it, I do appreciate it. I'm glad they attempted to make this drool-fest a legit movie and not....well....ya know. Out of five stars I grant it 3 stars. It is more like 2.5, but I don't give decimals so I rounded. 

Favorite Character(s): Mike (^.^), Tito (just because he was hottest out of them all and I love the actor), and Ken (even though he was....well...a druggie)

Not-so Favorite Character(s): Brooke (0_0) and Tarzan (why was he even there? What was his role?)



  1. I found it boring, I know I know! Hot guys dancing around and I was all yawn

  2. I was with a group of girls, so I wasn't allowed to be bored. lol. But watching it alone I would probably have drifted off to sleep.

  3. I've not seen it. Didn't know if I'd like it. But I am a Matthew fan. :D


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